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I, Mia Hill, am a jersey chaser

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I, Mia Hill, am a jersey chaser.

Okay, that's not technically true. Actually, it's not really true at all. But I think I can finally understand the thrill that spurs on the actions of all the other girls who end up in that category, of those who crave this feeling.

The first time I wore a jersey to a game, I felt a little awkward. Like I was wearing someone else's skin. But this time, with Grayson's jersey wrapped around me, I feel a bit like a damn goddess.

Walking into the stadium as eyes dropped to the number on my chest gave me this sense of unexpected pride. Like I wasn't just supporting the team, but one person in particular. My person.


Because after all the events that were Thanksgiving, I think I'm beginning to crave that title. The one where I get to stake a public claim on the boy who sets me on fire. The one who makes the flutters ignite, who makes my heart speed faster and my chest grow just a bit warmer.

After Grayson convinced me that it would be best to work things out with my parents before I left, we sat down together in the morning and talked it out. Well, mostly. I still don't exactly know why Mom went to see Vince. But I do know that it wasn't with ill intention toward me or any secret plan behind my back.

And the whole Thanksgiving leftover idea was one that they decided for them. One they didn't feel right just picking up the phone and telling me about, which I get. Doesn't make it feel any better, but I get it. They had zero intention of making me go with them. And Mom even decided to cancel the whole idea of it, to drive out to Phil's together as I suggested. But, for whatever undeserving reason, I told them to keep their plans.

Thing was, I had already made up my mind. I accepted their apologies, but the weekend was already ruined for me. And the only person I wanted to spend it with was driving back to LA.

Something changed the moment Grayson wrapped me in his arms outside that playhouse. It's like this weight I've been carrying around was somehow lifted. I felt so incredibly vulnerable crying on the damp grass, and yet, I felt overwhelmingly safe with him. Calm. More at peace. I hadn't expected that.

When the person is right, you'll know. My Aunt Lacy's words have been on repeat in my head ever since that night. And for the first time since this whole thing started, I think I'm finally beginning to open my eyes.

It's why I asked him to stay in my dorm last night, for the very first time, when the thought of him leaving left my heart pinching with this angsty, weird feeling I'd never experienced before. And when I woke up to find him already gone for team meetings and game day stuff, I actually missed him. But finding his spare jersey folded up nice and neat on my dresser had a big stupid grin crawling across my face. I didn't hesitate to pull it on, unable to imagine wearing anything else.

And so, here I am. Rocking number 87 and the name Adler across my back like I own the joint. If someone told me when I got to UCLA that this was how I'd eventually be spending my Saturday afternoons, I'd have laughed in their face. I've never felt so much like I was right where I was supposed to be though.

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