Chapter 42

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Mason POV

“You did this without my knowledge!” the principal screamed at Peters.

“We had to.” Peters sighed. “Everyone was a suspect.”

“You put one of my students in danger!” the principal continued screaming.

“We saved Annie Miller.” Peters said calmly. “She saved Annie Miller.”

The principal sighed, and I heard footsteps walking toward us.

I was sitting in the hospital waiting room, staring at the wall, too fucking tired to do anything.

The doctors took her from me and didn’t tell me shit.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to fucking kill them all. I wanted to cry.

But my body didn’t want to move.

All I could do was sit in the fucking waiting room. All I could do was scream inside my head and wait for them to tell me what he did to her.

If she died…

“Mason.” I heard principal’s voice.

I looked to my right and saw him sitting down next to me. I looked back at the wall. I didn’t give a shit about what he had to say.

“I am so sorry, Mason.” the principal sighed. “I would have stopped it if I knew.”

He sighed when I didn’t answer him.

“Do you know anything about Emma?” he asked my friends.

“Nothing.” Jax answered coldly.

“Okay.” the principal said. “Will you let me know when you find something out, Jaxon?”

“Fine.” Jax mumbled.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the principal standing up. He walked away, glaring at Peters.

I wanted to do a lot more than just glare, but my body wouldn’t listen.

I was in pain.

I wanted Emma. I wanted to see her. I wanted her to wake up and talk to me. I didn’t know what I would do if she never woke up.

I felt something wet on my cheek. I thought I couldn’t cry anymore. I guess I was wrong.

“She will be okay, Mase.” Chris said softly, placing his hand on my shoulder.

He better be right.

I will burn the fucking world down if he is wrong.

I heard footsteps approaching, and I turned my head to the right.

I saw the doctor walking toward us, and I was finally able to move. I jumped up and ran toward him.

“Is she okay?” I shouted, panicked.

“She is okay.” the doctor said, motioning for me to sit back down. “I will take you to see her. She is being placed in a room as we speak.”

I sobbed in relief and felt Chris’ hands on my shoulders.

“I told you, man” Chris said, his voice breaking.

Hazel was crying on Jax’s shoulder. Jax was holding her tightly. His eyes were closed, and he was taking deep breaths.

I sat back down and looked up at the doctor.

“He injected her with a mixture of drugs.” the doctor started talking. “One of them was Brexanolone, but we are not sure about the others. He was using the mixture to put them to sleep. He was probably hoping that giving her the full dose would kill her. Thankfully, he was wrong.”

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