52. Midnight

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Song of the chapter:- Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift


I was almost asleep when suddenly I felt something, more like someone. Someone who I'd know anywhere, smell anywhere, specially that woody, musky, spicy scent overpowering my senses, I had a sudden urge to bottle this scent and sell it, I was pretty sure the women out there would pay me huge chunk of money for it.

The weather was almost chilly and still a bead of sweat ran down back, making me way to aware of my surroundings, I walked out to the window that lead to my small balcony and just as I unlocked it there was a gust of wind and I was pressed against the side of one of the windows.

"You shouldn't be alone, there are monsters out there in the dark", he said.

"Right now you are the one I need to be protected from Edward", I said almost rolling my eyes, trying to focus on anything else but they way his silky platinum hair fell on his eyes, and damn those silver blue eyes shinning brighter than the blue moon, a glimmer of lust in them as he took in my tank top and barely there shorts. I had a wierd habit of wearing short clothes even during the winters, not like I'd get sick or something, and then just cuddling up in the blankets and right now that habit of mine was going to have me killed, or fucked.

As if sensing where my thoughts were going, he stepped even closer if possible, "You'd wish I was that glittery blood sucker after you discover what I'm capable of", he whispered, his hair tickling my neck and I remembered how soft they felt when I ran my hands through them, before Ivan or even I can process what I was doing I had turned us around, him against the wall, my hands against those mascular shoulders.

With his body not over mine, the cold wind blew against my skin making me step closer to him, his body was warm, heat radiating off of him waves. "What are you even doing here? At midnight?", I asked.

And suddenly I was no longer flushed against him, there was space alot of space between us, for good but a part of me was still disappointed, closing the windows, he said "put some clothes on, there's an emergency, it's about Emma".

And without any further delay I put on a sweater, and removed my shorts and then heard a sharp intake of breath, that's when I realised what I just did. I gave my possibly very very horny mate an amazing amazing view of my backside, and then I heard some shuffling, "Put it on, now!"

I turned to find a pair of pants in his hand while the other hand was over his eyes as if he can't stop looking, maybe he really can't, and with that realisation I got dressed as fast as possible. On our way to the hospital which was ofcourse situated as far as possible from my house I couldn't stop asking him questions about Emma, how could I when my closest friend was possibly really really badly hurt, I mean it was Emma, and these past few days getting hurt, passing out had been her thing.

"Are you gonna tell me what even happened?" I asked trying to get something, anything from his.

"If we're asking eachother questions here's mine: why the hell would you open your window in the middle of the night when you felt something suspicious rather than calling someone?" He asked giving me a death glare before focusing on the road again.

Because I knew it was you.

"Because I was alone any way, and I'm not that delicate that anyone can hurt me", I said a pang of hurt hitting me thinking my mate thought of me that weak.

"It's not you who's weak, but the others who are worse. And if I'd known your parents weren't home I would've come in through the front door", he said casually putting his hand on my knee as if that didn't set thousands of nerve endings of my body on fire. One touch from him could do that to me, and that was really scary yet really exciting.

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