24. The Second Chance

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"All beauty has a little tragedy."

'Us' Such a fascinating word was it

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'Us' Such a fascinating word was it.

Did wonders to your fragile little heart. Got you wondering when 'us' was included. Jungkook has brought food for both of you to eat.

He was angry at you yesterday but now... It's as if nothing went wrong between you both. He must have sorted his thoughts to come to such calm. Scares you.

The house is warm and Jungkook is seated next to you. Your arms brushed against each other. It keeps happening. Every brush causing trembles to your skin. You pull down the sleeves of the lousy big hoodie to hide the goosebumps appearing on your skin. Jungkook notices, but doesn't let you know. Continues to be nonchalant.

Your head is lowered as you fidget with your sleeves whereas Jungkook is unpacking the food onto the plates both of you brought on the ground table. The air was now crisp as he opened the windows before settling down.

The temperature is now comfortable enough to tolerate. The hoodie was not irritable anymore. The lights on the lamp are dimmed, the curtains swaying mildly, the potted plants set near the windows refreshing the air. There is no sound. It's quiet with only plates clinking and clanking.

Neither you nor Jungkook has said a word since you sat next to each other. It wasn't the same anymore. You weren't seated next to each other as friends.

You were pen pals who were secretly in love with each other. Showed every ounce of worry, care and love for each other but never confessed. Waited to see each other and let both of you happen.

Now you knew, he knew. Seated next to each other with so much to say but yet choosing not to.

Right now, you have nothing to say because Jungkook wasn't making sense at all. Sure, he must've ordered food for both of you but why is it only that the dishes in front of you are only your favourites?

He knows what you like. The girl behind the emails. He brought whatever was mentioned once in the mail but it doesn't do justice. You fought yesterday.

Recollecting the last night's events sends chills down your spine. You wouldn't wish to see that happening again. Jungkook was angry to the point where he had to withhold himself from lashing out at you and today, he is chill.

Doesn't make sense. What was he planning on? He was treating you nice as if... It's the calm before the storm. As if he will kick you out after a good meal. Like, 'It was nice having you around Y/n but I don't think I can forgive you, let alone see you. So, please get out of my house.'

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