Chapter Two

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In the evening, Zephyr's lady's maid made sure to wake her up a little earlier than the feast so she'd have plenty of time to get ready and not be late. The last time she was late resulted in a massive argument between the princess and the queen.

Zephyr sighed. She always imagined how she would be if she wasn't born a princess. But don't get her wrong, she was grateful for everything she had. She just found it rather exhausting at times.

Once she was dressed in her golden dress, she let her lady's maid style her hair as she usually did. Braids on the side meeting at the middle and tied them together using a hair pin that looks like a stag. 

It was their family's crest, the stag. However Cersei had always been a lion. Even after marrying her father, giving birth to four healthy children, she had always been the lion protecting her cubs. And her cubs were her blonde babies.

That was what hurt Zephyr the most. She didn't look anything like her siblings. She was usually left out by her own mother. She was closest to Myrcella and Tommen if she had to admit. Joffery and Zephyr never really got along well but they also didn't hate each other. Them not seeing eye-to-eye was comparable to two toddlers refusing to share their toys.

The princess was in deep thought about this as she was walking down the halls. However she suddenly stumbled into someone, hard.

"Oof! I-" Zephyr began startled.

"My lady, I'm so sorry," A man with fluffy black hair started as he helped Zephyr up, "I was in such a hurry that I didn't see you here."

But Zephyr was laughing and he wasn't so sure why. He just stumbled into the princess and caused her to fall down, he was sure he'd get his eyes torn out if her father found out.

"Sorry, it's just-" Zephyr began as she took a deep breath to calm herself, "You're fine. And please, Zephyr is enough. No need to be so formal." She grinned.

"R-Right. Well I'm Jon. Jon Snow" Jon introduced himself nervously.

"Well Jon Snow, it was a pleasure meeting you." Zephyr smiled as she began walking off, "I hope to see you soon, Jon!"

Jon's jaw dropped. Did she have to yell it so loud??

Zephyr chuckled to herself as she entered the hall where the feast was being held, and it was noisy and chaotic. Zephyr loved it.

She walked in nodding to the lords in greeting them and went to sit down next to her mother.

"The feast just started my dear, you haven't missed much. If there was anything to miss out on." Cersei said and muttered the last part.

Catelyn sighed. "I hear we will share grandchildren one said." Her mother told Catelyn.

Catelyn Stark's eyes immediately drifted over to me, "As in Zephyr and-?"

"No not Zephyr. Joffery and Sansa." Cersei cut the woman off, "Robert wouldn't let any filthy boy unworthy of our daughter get anywhere near her, let alone marry her."

"How come? She's a gorgeous princess." Catelyn furrowed her brows in confusion.

"That's precisely why." Cersei took a sip of her wine, "She's rumored to be one of the most beautiful women in Westeros." Cersei wore a bittersweet grin on her lips. She was proud but jealous at the same time. And jealousy was a minor yet lethal poison, to everyone who has the dismay of feeling it, whatever reason it may be.

Zephyr sighed as she watched her father whore around laughing, Sansa getting a piece of the food thrown on her cheek by Arya, and Robb laughing at the whole entire scene until his own mother gives him the look that says 'take care of Arya.'

"May I please be excused, mother?" Zephyr asked, having lost her appetite.

However, this time Cersei wasn't upset with her daughter. She had lost her appetite herself and they shared the mutual feeling of being here. 

"Of course, my dove. Don't go to bed late." Cersei excused her princess and with that, Zephyr got up and discreetly left the feast.

The north was cold and having to seemingly have forgotten her fur cloak, Zephyr was freezing her ass off. She was tired and hungry, and that was not really a nice combination of feelings. Zephyr heard faint sounds of a sword slashing at something else, so she followed the sounds and saw Jon training on a dummy.

A small smile grew on her face as she found her new friend, "I think he's dead, you know."

Her voice startled Jon. He hadn't heard her walking over, she was good at being quiet and stealthy.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the feast?" Jon chuckled as he turned to face the princess.

"Well, I can ask you the same question Jon." Zephyr retorted as she walked over.

"Lady Stark isn't exactly fond of me." Jon answered, and then it clicked in the princess' mind. He was Ned Starks bastard. This didn't matter to Zephyr though. Bastard or not, he was still a human being.

"Ah. I couldn't exactly imagine Catelyn Stark being hateful."

"That makes one of us." Jon scoffed as he stared down at his sword. Zeph noticed this and grinned taking a training sword and getting into her fighting stance.

"Come on, you can use some real training." She smirked. Jon raised his eyebrows in surprise, "You know how to use a sword?"

"And a bow." Zephyr confirmed, "My uncle Jaime taught me."

After thinking for a moment, the man decided why not and the pair began sparring. Zephyr attacked first but wasn't surprised when Jon blocked the attack, so she tripped him and easily knocked him to the ground pointing the training sword at his neck.

"That was unfair!" Jon chuckled in shock, not believing how quickly he got his ass handed to him.

"It wasn't unfair, I saw the chance and took it." The princess retorted and helped him up. "It's getting quite late now and I don't want to worry my father. I shall see you soon, Jon Snow."

"I shall hope you will, my lady." A soft smile grew on Jon's face as he watched the princess walk back into the castle and resumed his training. It was almost a shame because he knew he wouldn't see her that soon. He was going to the Wall to serve as a man of the Night's Watch.

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