Chapter 3

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A/N: This story is getting much more attention than I thought it would. And really early. Thank you to anyone whos sticking around to read. I also wanted to say that this chapter contains sensitive topics. So just a heads up.
Anyways love yall and hope you enjoy.

Bright light and birds chirping. Nostalgic almost. It's the way it has been ever since you bought your first home. After fully waking up, you went down to your kitchen and made crepes because, in all honesty, they are superior to pancakes. Their light weight made it so you could eat more without getting too full too fast. You turned on the radio while you ate. Your favorite songs played while being mixed with new songs that are added into the "favorite" category. One Little Quarrel by Al Bowlly played. You turned up the radio and swayed to the music. Your happy fun time was cut short by a loud banging on your front door. It couldn't have been Sara. Or if it was her, she wasn't alone. She would always let herself in. You quickly went to the living room window and peeked outside. You notice the bright blonde hair and roundish gut. It was Gary, the chief of police. You went to the door and opened it with a cheery smile.
"Why, hello there, chief. What can I do for you?"
"Hello, ma'am. Have you seen a little boy in the woods recently?"
Ok. So how were you going to play this out? Someone must've seen him enter. Did they see you?
"Yes, I have. Following a man with a rifle. I assumed they were out hunting so I quickly came back here so I didn't disturb them. Why?"
"What did the boy look like?"
"Unevenly cut black hair. Neat-ish clothing. Must've been one of the 'lucky ones.'" The term "lucky ones" was used to describe the people who weren't as badly affected by The Great Depression. You were one of them, Alastor was clearly one of them, and now the made-up boy you were describing was one of them.
"Crap. Hmm, well thank you, ma'am." Gary was about to walk away but the actress in you didn't let him.
"What happened, sir? Is he okay?" You wore a worried look.
"Well, the boy you described isn't the boy who went missing. Someone noticed him walking into the woods, a family friend I'm assuming, and alerted the mother." Gary pinched the top of his nose. He was clearly stressed. "This was the work of The Candy Lady. I'm sure of it."
"I'll be sure to keep an eye out for anything suspicious, chief." He nodded and thanked you for your time. You closed your door as your smile faded. You sighed as your hands rubbed your face. The day called for you to take a stroll. You grabbed your jacket that hung on a hook next to the door. Making sure the dagger was still in its spot, you walked out of your house and made your way through the woods. You didn't have a specific destination. Instead, you let your heart tell you where to go. The deeper you went into the woods, the more human you felt. As strange as it was. Being around society made you feel like a monster. And you were. You killed and ate children. How weren't you a monster? You walked farther into the woods and noticed a familiar scent. Death. Someone or something was laying dead not too far away from you. Your curiosity made you run toward this mystery. The stench grew stronger making you hungrier. You stopped. The source of the smell had to be here. You noticed a pile of leaves. It looked odd and out of place. You removed the twigs, leaves, and dirt and found a body. Recently deceased. There was a bullet wound right in the middle of the man's head. You leaned against a tree on your right. It was wide and, due to the blood splatter on it, you assumed that it was used to trap the victim. You heard rustling and a twig snap.
"Y/N?" Alastor looked nervous.
"So, you're the other killer." You didn't ask. You stated. You're surprised you didn't see it sooner.
"My dear, I can explain." You stopped looking at the body to side-eye him. Just as you looked at him, he noticed your smile. "You're...smiling?"
"Why, of course, I am! Now I know who killed the suspects!" You looked so happy. It confused him. You saw it in his eyes and how his smile looked somewhat wonky. "I've been dying to know who. And why. Can you tell me?" You asked. Alastor stared for a moment. He still wasn't sure why you weren't scared, why you weren't running, screaming at him to stay away while you tried to get to the police.
"Well, it was fun to mess with the police. That's all." He turned to look back at you.
"'That's all.' Hm. Well, at least they didn't have to suffer for my crimes." You swear you could see the cogs in his head at work until you said that.
"You're-" he started but you finished his sentence.
"The Candy Lady!" You sang. His worries washed away and his smile turned genuine again. "You honestly couldn't see it?"
"Not at all, darling. You are quite the actress." He let out a laugh as you bowed gracefully. You looked at the body. There might be a way to salvage a little of it.
"Do you mind if I take this off your hands?" You pointed at the body.
"My darling, please, it's all yours." You clapped happily and tried picking up the man. Picking up unconscious children was much easier. Alastor picked him up by the legs and you grabbed the underneath of his arms. You headed toward your house quickly in case of witnesses.
"So.. why did you kill him?" You tried making a conversion. This was the only thing you could think of.
"He caught me hiding a different body." His eyes met yours.
"So if I wasn't a serial killer, would you have killed me?"
"Perhaps. It all would have depended on your reaction." That answer somewhat frightened you. Thank goodness you didn't become a teacher.
Once at the house, you opened the door and walked into the kitchen. But you had somewhat of an uninvited guest.
"Y/N?" Sara was in your kitchen. She was in front of the sink, cleaning dishes for some reason, and only you were visible through the door. Well, you and the top half of a dead man. "What are you doing?!" She quickly put down the dishes and sponge and ran behind you. That's when she saw Alastor. Her eyes sparkled with fear.
"Oh, this is Alastor. He's the other killer. He's helping me bring this in. I've decided to make Jambalaya. Try something new!" You saw Alastor perk up at the mention of it.
"O-ok Y/N. I' in the living room." She hurriedly made her way out of the kitchen. Your smile disappeared and you sighed. Alastor helped you hoist the man onto the kitchen island.
"Are you alright, my dear?" Alastor came closer to you. You let out another sigh before you answered.
"Yes. I'm..fine. It's just- nothing forget it. I'm fine." He didn't pry and instead, Alastor was able to take your mind off your worries.
"You know, my mother made the best Jambalaya. I can teach you if you wish." He leaned closer to you. A light blush spread across your cheeks.
"That'd be lovely. I've only made it once with my grandfather. It sort of slipped my memory."
"You need not fret! For I am here!" You both laughed and got to work. You got out the shrimp and prepped the...other meat while Alastor was at the stove with rice and a bunch of spices. He also cut up some vegetables and put them in the rice. After you were done with your job, Alastor told you to put the meats in the pot. Memories of your grandfather began to take over your mind. He was the only family you had after your parents passed. Your mother died shortly after you were born and your father committed suicide due to stress and depression when you were seven. Until you were 17, you lived with your grandpa but then age caught up with him. Another ten years later and here you were, an infamous serial killer making Jambalaya with another serial killer. Oh, how life has done you no wrong. Anyways, soon the meal was complete. The smell of spices circulated in the kitchen. You went to the plate cabinet.
"Are you going to try some or...?" You looked over at him before grabbing one plate for yourself.
"Hmm," he rubbed his chin with one finger, "Ah, what the hell!" With that, you got out another plate and put a good amount of Jambalaya on both plates. It was delicious!
"Wow, Al! This is amazing!" You said excitedly.
"I'm glad you feel that way. I wouldn't mind cooking for you more often." His eyes gazed deeply into yours. You tried speaking but all that came out was stuttering.
"Hey Y/N?" Sara called from the living room. She was looking out the window. You walked to her.
"What is it?" You tried looking for what she saw.
"I saw someone out in the woods. I think they were looking into the house." Sara looked scared.
"What did they look like?" Al questioned. He was now standing behind you. Also trying to look outside the window.
"I...I didn't get a good look. Sorry."
"It's fine. But I have a feeling they won't keep quiet if they saw anything. I might have to relocate."
Sara's head quickly turned to you.
"Relocate?! To where!"
"Out of state, at least." You weren't happy about it either but that was always your plan if anyone found out. It all depends on what that creep saw.

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