August 15, 2022 - The Wattys countdown is OFFICIALLY on!

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The countdown is OFFICIALLY on! The Wattys closes this Friday August 19th at 11:59pm EST! It's your last opportunity to enter your story for a chance to win a Watty Award, a cash prize of $5,000USD, opportunities with Wattpad, and more! We know you've been working hard to put the finishing touches on your incredible stories. Now, it's time to push towards the finish line, wrap up your work, and click that 'Submit' button.

Here are a few things to note before submitting:

- Only completed novels will be accepted

- You have until this Friday August 19th at 11:59pm EST to submit your stories, but make sure you're happy with your work because you can't change anything after submitting

- Not sure if your story is eligible? For detailed information on eligibility requirements and more, click here

Now that you have all the important information you need, it's time to get it done. We can't wait to read your submissions, Wattpadders!

- Wattpad HQ

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