Chapter 1

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The rain was pouring down hard while thunder and lighting was cracking every few seconds with barely a pause between. Alone in his tent, a man in his fifties was looking over the last few pages of the notes he had written, contemplating what was to be done with his research. When he finally thought of an answer, he pulled a tape recorder from his pocket and porceeded to record a message.

"Recorded Journal entry of Dr. Edward Hamiliton. It is day ten since my arrival to the mysterious island that seemed to appear out of nowhere on the earth's equator. I orginally came on this experdition solely to study the geology and biology of this uncharted piece of land only to make a discovery that is unlike anything I have ever seen. Not only does this island serve as a habitant for animals of different regions and climates, ranging from tropical to temperate, but these creatures are hybrids of different species. Snakes merged with lizards, birds merged with butterflies, hyenas merged with cheetahs, rabbits merged with chipmunks, apes merged with bears, wild pigs merged with hippos, panthers merged with eagles, frogs merged wtih fish, field mice merged with ants, and countless others. For this reason I have dubbed this island The Binomial Isle."

He took a moment to pause before continuing.

"These last few days I have studied as many animals as I could here, taking D.N.A samples and disecting the corpses I have found. I'm afraid I could not find the origin of how these unusual creatures came to be but I have learned that they posses remarkable skills and intelligence. My colleagues have suggested bringing a few of these animals back to the states to share our discovery and make profit. However I have never been particualrly fond of using wildlife as a form of income and I believe that bringing any of these speices back home would be unwise. The lot of them are extremely aggressive and easily provoked, prone to savage violence. It would be too risky to bring them into human civilization."

He paused again and this time he made sure that no one else could hear what he was about to say next.

"When I told my colleagues my decision to leave these creatures be, they all said that they would respect my wishes. But I have reason to believe that at least one of them is about to betray me. Half of my equipment is missing and my files have been hacked. Also both my lawyer and receptionist have recently disappeared. I'm certain that they've become lost on the island though a part of me fears that there may be a connection between their disappearances and whoever is stealing my work. I think it best, that until further notice, this isalnd and my discoveries on it remain secret. I've already hidden my notes and as soon as we locate the two missing members of our group, we'll leave this island."

"Dr. Hamiliton?" A voice outside the tent called.

"Yes?" He stopped his recording.

"Dr. Hamiliton I'm sorry to disturb you but I saw something strange in Professor Goetia's tent. I think you need to look into it."

"Oh no, don't tell me Stolas is trying to smuggle that avacado-flytrap we found."

"No sir. He's not even in there. He's preocupied at the moment, having another over the phone argument with his wife. Soon to be ex wife I'm sure. Anyway I saw someone sneak in and I think I saw blood."

"Alright don't panic. Let's take a look."

He put his recorder away and left his tent to investegate. However the investegation ended in tragedy, and because of the rain and the thunder, very few could hear what happened that night. Come the next morning, Dr. Hamiliton was found dead. He had always had terrible heart trouble so it was presumed that he had died from a heart attack. Two more days was spent looking for those who had gone missing and when none of them turned up, they were presumed dead. After that the remaining members of the group left the island and returned to the states. But this was not be the last time humans would come to the Binomial Isle.

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