1 - // No other heart // - 1

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"SAIKI YO !" Toritsuka runs up to the annoyed boy. He turns to him.

'What do you want. I thought you'd be all over the new girl.' Toritsuka gives him a weird look.

"dude ew gross thats my sister.." Saiki rolled his eyes.

'Nothing would surprise me with you.' Toritsuka was about to say something when;

"KUSUOOOO!!" Aiura yelled running towards the pink haired boy. They both turned their heads too look at her. "SO-SOMETHINGS.- Something's like up with the new girl."

"What." She breathed heavily, having ran here.

"THERES NOTHING UP WITH HER!?" Aiura gave the medium boy a look.

"Her Aura is.. Impressive. Very impressive. I've never seen it in person i didn't expect to..." They both stop. "Come with me."

They enter the library to where you were picking a book off the top shelf on your tippy toes. They all creek around the corner to have a look at you. Saiki's eyes widen.

"well you're right. She must be special."

"my sister isn't special." Toritsuka laughs.

"I can't see through her." They both have surprised looks on their faces.

You slowly bring the book down to your chest and look at it.

'eh looks BORING. Whatever at least i can look like a model hehe.'

You sit down with the book and don't even open to the front page before putting it down. You feel as though you are being watched. You look around the room and towards the door.

"i coulda sworn.." You shrug and carry on doing nothing. They peeked out from bookcase behind you. Saiki makes himself invisible so he can take a proper look at you.

'i can properly see her.' A smile fades onto his face confusing himself.

'Saiki where have you gone??' He appears back next to them; face straight; scaring Toritsuka. He quickly grabs Aiura's wrist and makes them both invisible. You turn around to face him.

"Oh. Reita, Came to check on your sister? You know I'm fine." He awkwardly laughs.

"UM NO I WAS JUST UH-" He tries.

"eh whatever." Saiki's observes your face.


"Hey do you happen to know Saiki Kusuo?" Toritsuka's eyes widened.

"Saiki? Oh yea that's my buddy." He put a hand behind his head. Your eyes lit up.

"Really!? Do you reckon you could take me to him??" Toritsuka look surprised, as did Aiura.

'do you know her, Saiki?' He sighed.

'I don't, i don't know how she knows me..'

"UM! I would but i don't know where he is.." You nod looking a bit disappointed.

"Aw man. I just wanted to meet him.." They're all confused expect for you. Toritsuka never mentioned him to you.

"uh how do you know Saiki?" Your eyes went bright again.

"Well i saw him in your room a couple days ago, i was going to ask if you took my hand cream again. But i saw him and he did something really special. You must remember? It's called astral projection. It's very interesting. Other than you i haven't met anyone with abilities like that it was so-"

'ugh i hate when she rambles on about this stuff. So boring.'

'She saw me? How does she know so much about this stuff..'

'Toritsuka. i need you to take her to me. I'll be in the science room.'

"AH! I actually just remembered where Saiki is. Lets go!" Your smile grew wide. You quickly jumped out your chair and followed your brother into science room B. There the pink haired boy was sat on a desk.

"WOAHHH! ITS YOU! I'M Y/N TORITSUKA!! I AM SO INTRIGUED WITH YO-" He stops you in your sentence.

"I know who you are. and i know that you know about me. That makes you a threat." He pushed himself off the desk and got up in your face. Annoying Toritsuka. You couldn't care less you were still glowing.

"Whoa, dude step back." Toritsuka tries to push him away from you. He keeps glaring at you half fascinated with the fact he can see you. You grin.

"I have been studying you. You're the reason i moved to this school Saiki. I know so much about you. You're honestly like so amazing-"

'You're acting like you just met your idol.'

"I know all about all of your powers and if you're concerned I'm gonna tell someone don't worry! I just have one favor to ask in return.." He nods telling you to go on. "I want to hang out with you." His mouth opens and eyes widen. He takes a step away from you.

"That's it?" You nod.

"THATS IT??" Toritsuka yells.

"That's it." You smile. Saiki sighs.


Part two??

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