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The dinner table was tense. Things Grace didn't understand were happening around her, unbeknownst to her. Tommy and the rest of the Peaky Blinders were gearing up to show down with Billy Kimber and his men, for they wanted to take over the illegal betting at the races. The police force was putting pressure on the Shelby's-already having lent a beating out to Arthur a few days prior, hounding him about stolen guns. Tommy forked over his food, not eating as he sat, deep in thought. Instead, he focused on his hot tea. Grace had been invited to stay for dinner, and Polly was keen on finding out what was going on between the ex barmaid and Tommy. John and Arthur were focused on their food, as was Finn. But Grace couldn't seem to focus on her plate-she was watching as Lily Shelby walked around the table in repeated circles, sticking her hands into every persons plate that she passed. At Ada's absent spot, she felt nothing and continued on to grab a muffin from John's plate. Then she picked a piece of bread from Arthurs plate, dipped her fingers into Polly's tea and sucked the liquid off her fingers, before darting past Tommy-whose food she wanted nothing to do with if it meant being near him. At last, she arrived at Grace's plate, and she eagerly shoved her greasy small hand into Grace's small pile of mashed potatoes. Grace blushed, feeling awkward as nobody said or did anything-they acted as if this was completely normal. Grace realized then that it must be. 

She grabbed hold of Lily's hand, gentle but firm, and forced the childs hand open, causing her to drop the potatoes-which plopped onto the floor with a loud echo. The Shelby family looked up from their plates, watching as Lily struggled, pulling her arm back to herself before reaching again for some of Grace's potatoes. Grace blocked her plate, upsetting Lily even more, and she began to bang her fist on the table, to which the silverware responded by clattering up and down like a too loud symphony. "The girl is used to helping herself from our plates." Polly explained apologetically. "Yes, but I am afraid I am not accustomed to it." Grace answered swiftly. "Of course not. Get the woman another plate." Arthur's jovial voice boomed. "I don't need a new plate, Mr. Shelby. I need for her to stop sticking her hands in it." Grace explained to Arthur, who froze, before turning to Tommy. "Well, to be honest, I don't know if that's possible. She'll scream all night if she doesn't get her pickings from the table." Arthur told her. Grace was astounded. She felt her shy nature slip away ever so slightly-after all, Tommy had hired her to help, and help she must. "If you aren't consistent with her then she'll never learn." She spoke softly, the table quieting around her all except for Lily, who was still reaching for the potatoes, stamping her feet and grunting now like a little madwoman. "How do you expect us to discipline her? She can't see or hear, she doesn't understand. She's already been deprived of so much-can't you just give her the potatoes?" Polly set down her napkin, pleading with Grace. "What about when she's twenty-when she is bigger and stronger than you? Will you still have her run this household with her tantrums? You all wait on her hand and foot." Grace responded quickly. Lily dropped to the floor in anger, crying out louder. "Oh, look-now she's hurt herself." Arthur pointed out. "No, she hasn't. I know a tantrum when I see one, and a badly spoiled child." Grace was firm now. She would do the job she had been paid to do. If only the girls family would let her do what they hired her to do. "Mrs. Grace-" Polly began. Tommy silenced his aunt with a hand, setting down his cutlery. "What do you need us to do?" He asked solemnly. Grace inhaled deeply, pausing and thinking it over. "Leave the room." She whispered. "Leave the room?" Arthur said incuriously, elbowing John, who snickered into his elbow. "Yes. If I can have her sitting in a chair and eating with a spoon by tonight, I can stay. You work with me my way. If I can't-then I'll go-if that is what you want." She spoke. Tommy leant back in his chair, looking her up and down with a look in his eyes that almost looked like pride and respect for her ultimatum. "Fine. We will leave the room-you do what you need to do." Tommy agreed, standing from his chair. "Tommy-"Polly started, but stopped when Tommy shook his head at her. "This house needs some peace and quiet. What other hope do we have for her, Polly, besides the asylum?" He sighed, grabbing his coat and Peaky hat before leaving out the front door. Arthur took one last bite of toast, and John had one last sip of tea, before they headed to the green doors to set up tomorrows bets. Polly stood slowly, and grabbed Finn by the shoulders, leading him out of the room. 

Now it was just the two of them-Lily screaming herself silly on the floor, and Grace, who was setting up a place for the girl, silverware, a glass of water, and a plate of fixed food. Then she went to scoop the girl off the floor, and she set her in the chair. Immediately she tried to get back up, but was pushed gently back into the seat by Grace, who worked a spoon into her hand, and helped guide her hand to scoop up eggs. Lily surely didn't approve of eating this strange new way-it made a whole world more sense to her to eat with her hands-fast and easy. She threw the spoon across the room, and it hit the wall and clattered onto the floor. Grace sighed, grabbing her arms and leading the girl across the floor and forcing her to pick the spoon up and return to the chair, guiding her all the while. It was going to be a long night. 

Lily was shaking and covered in food and tea stains by the time she was led out of the kitchen. She ran fast and far from Grace and plowed into Pollys arms, sniffling. "She ate with a spoon. The room is a mess, but she folded her napkin and ate with a spoon. In her own seat at the table. Like a regular little lady." Grace smiled, exhausted as she leaned against the wall, covered in stains herself as well. Polly's face lit up, a slow smile growing on her face as she knelt and hugged Lily. "Well done, my precious girl. Well done." 

*authors note: soooo we are at the end of season one. :) next chapter will be jumping into season 2 and including the two year time jump. Lily will be twelve years old. Hope ya'll enjoyed season one. 

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