5. Athena

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The drive home included listening to one complete Beatles' album which reminded me of my dad when he was happy and much self reflection. I was still very shocked at what had just happened, who I had met, and the fact that he wanted to go on a date with me. Classes are officially over today so now I'll be working full time as Melody's nanny. I really wanted to go to dinner with Lorenzo, and frankly I felt bad that I denied him tonight. After everything I have ever been through I almost felt it right to take him up on his offer and treat myself to going out with a man who looked like he was straight off of Zeus' bloodline. However, if I was going to take the chance to go out with this guy in general I needed to go full out and do something special to say yes. I dropped Melody back at the manor while taking an overwhelmingly warm embrace from Annalise and Henry in thanks for taking Melody with me on my day off. I headed home with a bit of hope, a need for a little luck, and Lorenzo's suit jacket in my trunk. I didn't want to get my hopes up high but this plan could very well be the first step on an unforgettable journey. Doubtful but always possible. I got inside, locked the door and changed into something more comfortable. I was going to be up extremely late so I figured I should get comfortable. I went into my closet, reached for the top shelf and brought down the cardboard box with the words "Sewing Stuff" written in permanent marker. I cleared off my entire kitchen island and unpacked everything in the box so I was staring down at organized chaos. I opened the jacket after it was washed, still shocked the stains came out looking for the perfect target for my plan. Jackpot, the back tag on the top inside of the jacket where the back of the person wearing the jacket's neck would meet the jacket, right by the collar stared back at me, I grabbed a scissor and cut it off to make room for my patch. When Aunt Marcy took me in as her own after officially adopting me, she made it her goal to teach me many things I lacked from my parents uninvolvement. She constantly provided me with water that I could soak up using my brain sponge. I was eager to learn and be exposed to things I never was before because my parents were always so busy. One thing she focused much of her attention into teaching me was basic life skills, as she didn't know where I would end up someday and wanted to make sure I was fully prepared and could be an independent adult. She taught me how to cook basic and intricate recipes, how to clean, how to fix machinery like appliances and even cars, how to style my hair, wash and iron clothes, how to save money, do taxes, write a check, how to apply for a job, and what felt like the most important skill of them all in this moment, how to sew. Not just any type of sewing, how to fix holes in clothing, how to crochet, knit, and what I needed right now, how to make embroidered patches. I got to work, cutting, stitching, knotting, creating patterns, sewing in the patch, and after about an hour, I was done. I stood up and stared at the mess in front of me and the patch I had sewn into Lorenzo's jacket right where the tag used to be, it was perfect. It was a small black square patch with a red wine almost purple colored lettering on it that read. "Fine, I'll go to dinner with you. Pick me up at 7. +442950163075", now all I had to do was give him the jacket and hope that he would see that patch, take my number, text me, and bam, the goal is achieved. Part of me wanted to cringe at what I had just done, but the other thought it was sentimental and a good way to get my point across as he seemed like such a powerful, busy, scary man. I piled everything up into the box again and placed it back in my closet before hanging the freshly pressed suit jacket by my front door to take with me to work the next day. I walked over to the bathroom and lit some candles around the tub before running myself a bath. I got in, turned the speaker on and played some relaxing music as I sat there thinking about my encounter with Lorenzo and how special it felt. I hadn't really been social with many people since coming to England. I had barely made friends with other people from campus and I had no family here. Talking to another person who was genuinely interested in what I had to say and who I was sort of felt nice. I guess that was really why I wanted to go to dinner with Lorenzo, I had never felt attention like the attention he had given me in the few minutes we spoke. I got out of the shower and put on a comfortable lounge set before pinning my hair up and making some tea before bed. It was a bit past midnight and I should probably be heading to bed soon. I grabbed my bible and journal and relaxed for a while, reading and writing before bed. The clock read 1:15, I was not used to staying up this late. I put everything away and washed my mug before heading into my bedroom and switching the light off to sleep. I fell asleep daydreaming about Lorenzo, this mystery man I knew nothing about but so desired to be near him. The way his blue eyes glistened in the light as if to create a spark and start a fire, the way his deep chestnut hair had streaks of orange when multiple beams of light hit it or the way it ruffled when pressed up against his strong fingers attached to his large, veiny hands. Or the way his sharp, white teeth pressed through his lips when he threw me a slight smirk. The way his whisper hit my ear, it was beautiful. I was so ready for tomorrow.

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