Chapter 12

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We both slept much longer than expected. I woke up around noon, not even a little upset about it.

"Hey! You awake?" I heard Ashley sleepily call.

"Yeah...I think."

"These beds are incredible. I never want to get out of mine!"

"Me either!" I shouted back to her.

"When we do get up, spa?"


"Then what?"

"Uh, find the Alpha and meet with him. See if they have had any weird attacks."

"Is that what we're doing for our entire vacation?"

"Yup," I answered.


"It'll keep us busy. Now, I'm gonna try to leave this ridiculously comfortable bed to go have a ridiculously comfortable spa day."

We met in the living room and made our way down to the lobby area of the hotel.

"Oh! Miss Lunaire!" the receptionist called. "There is a message for you, ma'am."

"A message?"

"Yes, ma'am. Beta Kenrick left a message. He said he attempted to call you but you didn't answer."

"Yeah, my phone was shut off. That was my bad."

The young woman handed me a folded piece of paper.

"Thank you," I said.

I unfolded the note and my smile quickly disappeared.

"What's wrong?" Ashley asked.

"Dad found out what the wound is."

"Oh? What is it?"

I showed her the paper.


"Bite?" she asked.

"They're bite marks."

"What kind of creature makes those bite marks?"

"I'm not sure. Have you ever seen a werewolf bite?" I questioned.

She shook her head. "We don't do that. Right? I mean, I've ever heard of wolf just attacking someone and biting."

"Me either. Maybe it's werewolf bites though?"

"Don't you think your dad would recognize a werewolf bite though?"

"Yeah." I put the paper in my pocket and pursed my lips.

"Well, I'm sure they'll figure that out so let's go to the spa and forget about this for just a little bit."

I nodded. "You're right. They'll figure it out."

The spa was beautiful. The walls were a very light beige with white accents. Soft music played over the speakers that seemed to be embedded in the walls and ceiling.

"Hi! Welcome. Do you have an appointment?"

"We do."

We gave the receptionist our information and were led to a locker room in the back. There were robes and slippers sitting on a bench in front of two lockers for us.

"Now this is service," Ashley exclaimed quickly changing from her clothes into one of the robes.

"Yeah, it is. I can't wait for this massage."

"Ladies, if you'll follow me please," a woman said, appearing from a side door.

We were led into individual rooms with tables in the center.

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