Chapter 16: Don't Be Like That

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Y/n's POV:

Fuck, is he actually mad?

First I text JD, to see if this was a joke between them.

Me: yo was Ghost leaving a joke or something?

Me: gotta say not very funny bro

Me: like seriously, kinda made me sad

JD: nope, not a joke that I was in on

Me: damn, is he actually mad?

JD: idk maybe 

I text Hannibal, seeing if he knew whether it was a joke.

Me: hey, was ghost leaving a joke?

Hannibal: I don't think so, why do you ask?

Me: I think I upset him

Hannibal: the chances of that are very high

Me: asshole >:( 

I decide to just straight up ask Ghost himself.

Me: Ghost

Me: I'm sorry

Me: are you actually mad?

Read at 6:45 PM

Me: don't be like that man

Me: cmon

Read at 6:45 PM

For fucks sake.

I go to his profile and hit the call button. It rings two times, then he finally picks up.

" Ghost. C'mon man why'd you leave the groupchat?"

The other end is silent.

This is actually getting annoying.

" At least give me an answer... was it for comedic effect or something?"

" We were online friends the longest, it's not fair." 

My eyes widen. He's jealous. 

" Are you...jealous of JD & Hannibal?" I ask, a smirk forming on my face.

His silence speaks for itself. 

" Alright, riddle me this. What city are you in?" I say, awaiting his answer. 

" ( Your City ), why?"

" Well what a coincidence, I live there too. Let's meet up Ghost."

" Stu."

My face morphs into one of confusion.

" What..?"

" That's my name dumbass. Stu."

Stu. Ghost. Ghostface. No fucking way. 

I try to keep my composure. 

Relax. If he wanted to kill you, wouldn't he have done it already? I mean, the ghostface killers were known for their ominous calls, but not text messages. Should I go? Bring something to defend myself? If I cancel last minute he'll be even more suspicious. I'm not even sure he is ghostface, I mean c'mon. Still, it's a little too coincidental. 

" Phantom?"

I zone back in. 

" Shit, sorry, lot on my mind recently." I say with a breathy laugh. 

" It's all good. I was talking about meeting tomorrow, does that sound good for you?"

" Yeah, I think I'll be free then."

" Sounds good." 

He sounds that a good or bad thing?

We agree to meet at the same park JD and I hung out, at around 3:30 PM. I choose to take the rest of the night to just watch movies and snack, trying to erase my worries of tomorrow. It's starting to get a little too real for my taste.

What  exactly have I gotten myself into?

Unexpected Text Messages : Stu Macher x readerWhere stories live. Discover now