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Supposedly, Charles is Enrique's cat. Allegedly, he's got a problem with stealing people's things and hiding them.

I've never seen the cat, but when I confront Enrique about it, he just says Charles is a recluse and I'll see him eventually.

He's probably right, because it hasn't even been three days since I arrived here.

But that doesn't help because I need to make my first solo adventure into town and I cannot find my keys anywhere. I suppose, I'll have to ask Enrique about it later. It can't be Enrique taking my things, though, because he left before my keys went missing. I think.

The clock on the wall ticks on, reminding me that I have to get going if I want to be back in time to eat dinner before midnight. I guess I'm walking. Charles really is just looking after my health, I'm sure.

The sun sears down on me in a way I've never experienced before, and of course my sunglasses have also gone missing, so I'm sporting a very old hat I found in the back of the entry closet. Enrique must not be a hat guy. But it does the trick.

Mostly. I'm still left wondering which way is up after I make a turn onto what I assume will be main street but instead end up on a winding narrow street that I recognise only because of the house with a large silver and red flag affixed to the front porch.

I wonder what sports team she's supporting today.

"You doing all right, dear?" The woman's accent sounds Scottish or maybe Irish. I've never been very good at accents.

"Yeah, I think so," I start. "Actually, no. I'm lost. Somehow I got turned around trying to find main street or... umm, what's it called again? I forget which animal it is."

"Banff Avenue," she says, watering a purple flower that sits on her front step. "Would you like me to take you there?"

"Oh, no. I don't want you to go out of your way for me. I just want to find the store. I was supposed to go with... my friend. But he's got to work late and I want to get there before it closes."

"It's really no trouble. I'm heading in myself to get some fresh turnips. Sue said they were coming in today."

I have no idea who Sue is or whether or not I should be trusting the woman I've just met, but following someone around in the open air seems safe. I'm going to risk it. "Sure. I'd love to walk with you."

"Beautiful," she sings. "Let me get my bag."

The bag she is speaking of is not a small purse like I'm carrying but a cloth bag that looks like it could easily hold everything I took with me to Vegas.

"Do you need a bag?" she asks when she notices I'm empty-handed.

"No, I'll be fine with whatever they have at the store."

"Oh, we can't have that. I'll find you a small one. Just a minute."

I would try to stop her, but it's exceptionally obvious that she is not going to take no for an answer, and I do really prefer having something reusable, but I couldn't find any in Enrique's house. Which isn't saying much because I can barely find the bathroom.

Okay, maybe it isn't Enrique's fault I haven't met Charles. Or maybe Charles isn't real and Enrique's just trying to make me feel better about how often I lose my stuff.

"Here we are," the older woman says, interrupting my thoughts. "It's got a nice Banff bear on it for you."

She's right. It's actually a really nice bag. "Thanks, but I can't take this from you," I say when I finally catch up to her near the corner. "I'll come by to bring it back tomorrow."

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