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Louis's POV:

By the end of the school day, I have 5 missed calls from the boys and about 30 ignored texts from them as well. Not the mention the few I got from Harry asking if I have had thought about it yet, I ignored those as well.

I got the school nurse to wrap my ankle because it began to hurt pretty bad by second period but in all honesty, I don't think she knew what she was doing because it hurts about the same.

As the final bell rings I find myself heading back into the harshly cool London weather, I'm sure the boys would just be even more furious if they knew I didn't bring a coat with me.

I stop in my short tracks when I see the familiar black Range Rover, why is he here?

The car door opens in an instant and the tall green-eyed man is getting out and rushing over to me, engulfing me in his arms, to my surprise.

"Shit Lou you had me worried. The boys called me cussing me out saying that they haven't seen you since this morning, they thought I kidnapped you or something." Harry sighs in relief.

I frown at that. Of course, they called Harry.

"I'm fine, just didn't want to see them so I walked to school," I say, peeling his arms off of me.

I haven't entirely forgiven him yet and though I was up all night thinking about what happened I still haven't made up my mind about accepting him yet.

"Why? What happened?" He asks, slight worry in his tone.

"We just got into a fight," I say looking down at the ground and frowning more at the memory.

They are really all I have and I don't like fighting with them but I can't get over it.

"About what mi amor?" He asks, looking down at me.

"Just last night," I say in a whispered tone.

His face seems to flood with realization.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mess up your guys' relationship, I know you are close with them." He apologizes.

"S'not your fault. They were treating me like a baby anyways." I say, shrugging.

He frowns at me.

"I'm sure they are just looking out for you, but you should at least give them a call and let them know you are alright." He says.

I sigh, knowing he is right. I didn't mean to worry them but I just couldn't be in that house any longer.

"Why don't you let me give you a ride home?" He asks.

I shake my head.

"I'll text them but I am not going home yet," I tell him stubbornly.

He nods.

"That's fine, as long as you let them know you are okay. How about we go back to my place then?" He asks.

I look up at him unsurely.

"I don't know, I am supposed to be mad at you," I say, and that causes a small smirk to break onto his face.

"We don't have to talk about everything, but I can't let you walk around out here in the cold, especially not alone. So let's go." Harry says, taking authority and dominance over me.

He grabs my hand and begins to lead me to the car.

"Hi Will," I greet his driver as we get into the back seat.

"Hey Louis, good to see you kiddo." He smiles at me.

Harry gives him instructions and it's not long before we are moving.

"You don't think I'm a kid do you?" I ask Harry after a few seconds of silence.

He turns to me in the seat.

"What do you mean?" He asks, slightly confused.

"Like you know a little kid," I say and he frowns.

"Of course not, you are probably one of the most mature people I have ever met in my entire life." He says, letting me breathe.

I don't know why that felt so relieving.

"Thank you," I say, honestly hoping he isn't just saying that to not upset me.

"Why are you asking mi amore?" He asks a few beats later.

I sigh at the question before allowing my eyes to meet his.

"The boys only see me as a kid and refuse to stop treating me like I'm a baby. I don't get it, I'm nearly seventeen and they literally won't let me breathe." I say.

Harry moves a bit closer to me and leans my head onto his shoulder, I don't correct him. I already feel myself surrendering to him entirely.

"Lou that's just because they love you and care about you. They probably just aren't ready to accept that you have grown up. They know you aren't a kid, trust me." He says gently.

I nod against his shoulder and allow his words to seep in but due to my lack of sleep last night it's not long before I am asleep on the man's shoulder.

Harry's POV:

I smile to myself as he subconsciously curls closer to me in his sleep, I wrap one of my arms around him while I use the other one to text his brothers.

To Edward: He's safe, I got him.

I don't wait for a response before just sliding the phone back into my pocket and focusing back on my Lou.

He's so pure, and I know that I won't be good for him but I can't help just need him.

Once we pull up to the apartment I decided against waking Lou up, instead I just gently engulf him in my arms and keep him propped on my hip, his head on my shoulder.

I thank Will for the ride before beginning our walk toward my building but I find myself getting pissed when my eyes land on a few random guys snapping photos of me.

I have gotten papperazzied before, though I'm not exactly sure why. People seem to be interested in the amount of money my company brings in but I still honestly don't understand what is enticing about a financial company that I don't even actually run.

But what is worrying me is the fact that Louis is in the photos they just took. Meaning that if those photos get out, his safety is jeopardized.

The people in my real line of work would have a fucking field day with any soft spots they find me to have. I have made quite a few enemies in my years so it's safe to say that those photos can not get out.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" I say, wanting to scream it but just talk quietly, not wanting to take the chance of waking up Lou.

The men's eyes widen, probably not expecting me to interact with them.

"Delete those. Now." I seethe, they look at me with fear but are then sprinting away.


I can't chase him, I could drop Lou or fall with him in my arms.

I curse under my breath before making my way into the building, not wanting to take any more chances being out here.

"I'm sorry baby," I whisper to the sleeping boy, knowing that I have already messed with his life.

Hi darlings!
Hope you like the story.
I've been feeling a little anxious lately so sorry if this is late.
Thank you for being understanding.

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