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I'm very into getting killed.

It's kind of entertaining. But I'm only into getting killed if I'm killed in an iconic way. If it's boring and I'll only be famous for five minutes, then in heaven I will make myself a Time Machine and travel back in time and get killed in a better way.

I have it all planned out.

So yes, maybe talking to this guy that looks like he's about drive himself off a cliff and kill half of the people looking his way might be my potential killer, but hey, on the bright side, I'll finally see my parents.

That was low, I sincerely apologise.

I lick my dripping vanilla ice cream and sit next to the guy, my potential killer, and hand him the ice cream I bought for him. He seems sad and I don't know one person who doesn't like ice cream.

I actually don't know that many people but the internet has proven many people enjoy ice cream. And if you're not one of those people, you are crazy. I really need to find friends that are on campus so maybe this guy might invite me to a party that I'll most likely not show up to, and then bam, consider me well known.

I know, I know, I'm the master at great ideas.

"Hi," I smile widely, "I bought you ice cream because you seem sad," Good job Belle. Could've worded it better but that's not bad.

He looks at me strangely and then at the ice cream. "I didn't poison it," I squint my eyes, "if that's what you're thinking,"

"I'm not allowed to accept things from strangers. Haven't your parents taught you that rule?" He tilts his head to the side.

"Naive of you to think I have parents. Many people take drugs from strangers, I'm not giving you something that'll kill you. But since you declined so nicely, I'll eat it myself," I say, noticing how familiar he looks.

"Thanks?" He takes the ice cream from my hand and I nod, smiling softly. He's eyes roam over my features as I sit down beside him, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear so it won't get in my ice cream.

Clearly he doesn't listen to his parents if he took it.

I look at him only to find him looking behind me head, so I turn and follow the thing he's eyes are glued to. I hear him suck in a soft breath, making me turn around in confusion.

"You okay?"

He nods once.

"You look familiar," I tell him, "are you famous?"

"I don't know, am I?"

"I don't know, are you?"

He shakes his head, "No,"

"Oh okay. Do you go to Elmore U?" I ask, "I go there. I major in music. I don't mean to brag or anything, but I'm great at it. I can play the piano in my sleep and nearly every instrument on this planet. What about you?"

He blinks. "I do go to Elmore U. And that's great, I'll keep that in mind?"

"Cool!" Good job Belle, you found yourself a friend on campus.

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