Chapter 12: Chiyou Awakened

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Kiana: Wh-what the?! What's happening?!

Fu Hua: An earthquake?

Akiri: No, this is different. This is...

It wasn't clear what was happening from the inside of the cave. From the outside however, things are a lot more clearer. A huge area around the cave started to glow purple, the seabed is shaking violently.

A huge chunk of land then seemingly started to rise from the seabed, its shape resembling that of a giant four-legged creature. It was then that it became clear what is happening.

They were inside of a giant Honkai beast all along. And now, it had started to awaken from its long slumber.

Meanwhile, high up in the skies, the crew of the battleship Hyperion is scrambling at their stations inside the bridge, all on alert as blaring alarms are heard all through the ship.

???: Madam Theresa, we've detected a massive Honkai energy spike ahead!

One of the staff members informed her.

Theresa: What?

???: It's at the same coordinates we're heading

???: The Honkai energy is rising rapidly!

Theresa: What in the world happened...?

???: We're patching through to get satellite footage

After typing something into her terminal, the large screen changes to show something massive, almost the size of a small island, slowly rising from the ocean water.

Mei: Th-that kinda looks like...

Theresa: It's a Honkai beast... A huge one...

They looked at the giant Honkai beast wide-eyed, all in complete shock of seeing quite possibly the largest Honkai beast they'd seen.

Theresa: If that thing really came from Jiuling, then that could be the legendary Honkai beast, Chiyou

Mei: Chiyou? From the legend of the Yellow Emperor?

Theresa: Yeah. So Ji Xuanyuan had never managed to kill it

???: Madam Theresa, it seems like it's moving. If it continues in its path, it'll reach Guangzhou

Theresa: How much time do we have?

???: Approximately one hour

???: What do we do, Madam Theresa?

The principal lowered her head, thinking hard about her options. The Hyperion is nowhere near fighting conditions. Its main battery and energy reactor are badly damaged, pushing it too far could damage the ship even further and might even cause it to stop functioning and fall down from the sky.

They could call for reinforcements, but with only an hour, there's no way Schicksal could assemble and mobilize a force powerful enough to fight the monster in such a short time. Even if they could, they would arrive much too late, Chiyou would have reached Guangzhou by then, and the resulting casualties will be catastrophic.

Theresa: ...We just have to hope the team down there can handle it... There's nothing we can do in such a short time

She looked back towards the live footage of Chiyou moving across the ocean.

Mei: B-but... How could they possibly kill something that big...?

Theresa: ...If they can't, we'll at least get there and extract them to safety. Other than that, we could only hope for a miracle...


Back with Akiri, Kiana and Fu Hua, all of the violent shaking seems to have calmed down, reduced to only light shakes, happening occasionally every few seconds.

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