Left! -Chapter 5

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Every possible scenario was racing through Tim's mind. Right now, this ghost who was now possessing his body -or overshadowing as he likes to call it- was going up to the manor in the elevator. In his Red Robin suit! Tim couldn't think of anything fast enough to convince the ghost not to go up there. There were no other options to dissuade him with.

Technically he could have told Phantom to leave out the back exit, the one that B uses for the batmobile. But in that case, he would have to give the ghost the code to get out of the said door, compromising their security and passwords, including all of their secure files. Including the Justice league, and Tim can't risk that right now. Hopefully, the ghost would keep to his word and just walk out into the manor and leave. And hope they don't run into anyone and compromise any more identities.

In the elevator, the ghost must have felt Tim's rising panic from the situation because he started biting his -Tim's- lip nervously and shifting his weight from either foot while staring at the elevator doors. Once it arrived at the manor floor it didn't ping like you would expect a normal elevator to do. Something like that would be too noticeable. Instead, the doors opened silently to reveal the back of a wooden bookcase. After a second, said bookcase split down the middle and opened from either side to reveal one of the Manor's libraries and studies.

Phantom paused and stayed still for a moment, obviously listening for anyone before he walked out. He reached his hand out and gripped the edge of the bookshelf to peak around the corner.


It seemed he was in a library or study of some kind. It was huge compared to other rooms Danny had seen in his life. How people had gigantic rooms like this, Danny would never know. He felt rising panic coming from Red Robin. Danny didn't want to do this at all, but they were also the ones who kidnaped him, so...

He could also tell that Red was overthinking something, but he couldn't hear what it was. Then again that was good because he didn't want his mind to be clouded when he himself needed to think of a way out. He listened for a second to hear if there was anyone in the room before he grabbed onto the bookshelf that worked as a hidden entrance and leaned around to scan over the room.

Definitely no one in the room, as far as he knew. The coast was clear. He stepped out and was surprised by the warmth of the room, or maybe he had just gotten used to feeling heat through a human body again. But it was definitely warmer than the cave they were in earlier.

Danny walked across the room slowly, eyes darting around the whole time. There was even a second floor of bookshelves above them. Man, Sam and Jazz would love to see a library like this. This room had more books in it than the entire Amity Park Library back home. But it still had nothing on Ghostwriters Haunt.

But he was getting sidetracked. He cautiously started towards the large oak double door that was at the head of the room. There was a warm light radiating from underneath it, giving the dark room some light surrounding the door. It made the other side look homely and lively. Danny's eyes were pretty good at seeing in the dark, so he was fine in the room he was currently in. Night vision and all that. And good news, it seemed that it transferred over even when he was in another body.

He tentatively reached his hand towards the curved metallic door handle and pushed it down. It opened without complaint. No lock, good. He quickly opened it and slid out, opening the door no more than he needed to, to squeeze the vigilante's body through. He closed the door silently behind him and he heard it click shut. He turned his head back around to see he was standing in a large hallway of some kind.

Along the floor of the hallway was a red rug that stretched across the length all the way down until the next set of doors and a turn. What were these guys, rich or something? Then again, it would make sense for Batman and his little birds to be rich with all of the tech they have. Sam had been theorizing that Batman was just a rich white guy with too much time on his hands and not enough therapy. And now he thinks he owes the goth forty bucks.

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