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IT DIDN'T TAKE long when you recovered. You were now concious. At the time you were awake from a deep slumber, a pair of orchid purple eyes met yours.

He look and confirmed if you were really awake before he calls Shuna. Shuna checks if you were really okay. At first she will never let you at least sit on the bed. You keep complaining because you only got shot on the shoulder not in your whole body. After a while she gave in but forbids you to not use your injured arm.

Now that you were okay, you were in front of the three girls who looks at you very dangerously. If a glare could kill somebody, you will definitely laying on the ground bathing your own blood.

Hina has a disappointed look while eyeing you. Yuzuha looks at you like you committed a grave sin. Emma on the other hand glaring at you.

Your sweat dropped like river because of there gazes. You were afraid on what will they say to you. You were to scared to find out. Shuna already told you about the accident on the hidden room. When you knew this you felt like your life falls apart. You feel the cold sweat dripping from your forehead.

'Will they hate me now? Do they think it's disgusting? I can't help it, okay?! Is it my fault that there brother and the others were so hot?.'

"Explain" Emma commanded.

You gulp before you open your mouth to speak and defend yourself. Lying will be a bad idea so you tell them the truth.

"So erm... You know that you were from the manga right?. So erm, one of my hobbies was to collect merchandise. One of my obsession *gulps* is to collect *gulps* hot stuff like *gulps* like those." You answered.

"*Signs* I understand that you find them attractive but really Y/n? My brother? Among my brother why Taiju?" Yuzuha asks.

"How is it my fault that your older brother was so hot?" You answered.

Yuzuha looks at you with a unbelievable eyes. You didn't lie tho. His brother was hot but the attitude was a big no no.

"Shinichiro-nii was there too. Can't believe you were a simp for him when he already got  rejected 20 times before" Emma said while shaking her head.

"Oh my dear, Emma. You didn't know how many simps that were obsess with your brother." You answered.

"But.... The lightsaber tho...." Hina said.

'Shit! Did they saw the lightsaber too?! The one with nakey body of the bonten and their lightsaber was out?! Oh no! You were really fuck up big time, Y/n!. May you rest in peace.'

"Uwaaaah! I'm so sorry Emma, Yuzuha, Hina! Please forgive me!. Please don't tell anyone! I'll do anything!." You said, now kneeling in front of them.

They were taken aback by your sudden action because this was the first time they saw you without your cold personality. They didn't expect you beg.

They looked at each other and signs. They smiled at you and Emma help you get up.

"It was actually fine tho" Yuzuha said.

"R-really?" You stutter.

"Uh-huh" Hina.

"Then why are you mad?"

"We're just mad because... We are not there" Emma said and look away.


Your mind goes blank after hearing what Emma said. You were processing everything from the very beginning.

You were about to say something but then there's a loud thud was heard near your room. The one that nears you room was...

"My mom's favorite place" you muttered.

The three were confused why did you react like there was an intruder in your house. You can't blame them, for you they are just ordinary people who knew how to fight. They aren't that sensitive to noises to hear what you had heard.

You go out to your room as fast as possible then you encounter Kakucho along with Izana, Mikey and Draken. Base on where they were heading it was in your room. Draken calls you but you didn't turn to their direction instead you ran on where the thud was.

Once you reach the door leading inside your mom's favorite place, you gulp before you face it. Mikey along with the others was now running towards you with a worried look.

"What's happening, Y/n?" Draken ask.

"There's an intruder." You plainly said.

The seven of them gone stiff on what you have said. Izana gestured Emma and the other to back out and call the others which is Emma along with the two girls nodded and head downstairs.

You saw the four males prepared themselves for the possible attack if it is really was an intruder. You reach for the knob and slowly twisted it, so it wouldn't make such any noise.

Before you completely open the door the others were running towards where you were standing. You slowly open the door once they reach where the five of you are.

As you and the others enter the room, no one really greets you except for the six man laying on the ground. There faces was too familiar. You knew that you saw them somewhere.

"So who are we gonna beating?!" Baji said as he crush on the door.

"Wait, Baji-san. You nearly broke the door!" Chifuyu said while holding Baji back.

Both of them suddenly stop arguing when you heard multiples of groan from the males you were now slowly standing from the ground.

"Ah! Y-you.... You are..." Kazutora stuttering while pointing on one of the males whos were stnading slowly.

"Shinichiro?..." Izana then said.

'Shinichiro? Wait who now?!'

You turned to where Kazutora, Izana, Baji and now Mikey and Emma were looking. It was indeed none other than Shinichiro Sano! And wait... Are they.... Black dragons?.

"Huh? Wakasa?" Inupi then said.

You turned to the white hair man where Inupi was looking. Wakasa turned his gaze from Inupi then Mikey, Inupi then Mikey again.

"Huh? Mikey? Inupi? The last time i saw you was you both were just so tiny" he said.

A built ass man then appeared in front of Inupi and start scanning his face as if he saw something suspicious.

"Huh? It really does look like Inupi. Does he had an older brother? As far as i remember he only had a older sister." The man who you identified as Benkei said.

By mentioning OLDER SISTER of Inupi he's probably talking about Akane. Because of this, Koko who is next to Inupi flinch and his aura become weird.

Sanzu and Takeomi now were into the staring contest. You got weirded out so you pat Sanzu shoulders for his attention goes to you which is successful. You sign in relief because yoh could feel Sanzu's hatred from him and you think that he is ready to punch his older brother.

Now that all of the scenes sinks into your mind. You now realize that Shinichiro is alive. Benkei, Wakasa and Takeomi look so young than their appearance on the Three Deities. So for sure they came from a different timeline.

But for all you knew there are at least six person laying on the ground, no?. Then where are the other two?. You looked around to see who  were the other two was. And when you landed you eyes on them. You eyes widened.

"T-taiju?" Hakkai said.

"Shion?" Kakucho.

Huh?! Taiju and Shion was here?! What is this?! A revolution of the black dragons?! A reunion?!.

To be continued...

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