~Let the games begin~

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"Did you guys here, Celina is sleeping with her ex

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"Did you guys here, Celina is sleeping with her ex."

The mention of even that word "ex" makes me angry and uncomfortable. How can I possibly go back to my ex, the things that people say without thinking make me upset. Ryan is my ex and the only reason I'm thinking of taking Jace up on his offer.

Ryan cheated on me with one of my distant friends. We don't see each other very often because she lives in another state, but apparently some how Ryan got her number from my phone and they started talking. 

I never told her much about Ryan for her to know we were officially dating so it's not her fault. When we both found out she had just moved in with me in our apartment and I noticed that she had the same necklace as me. 

At first I didn't think much of it until I saw the writing on the inside, it said Ryan. When I asked her about where she got it she told me that her boyfriend gave it to her. Soon come to find that we were both dating the same guy, so we both dumped him.

"Woah princess" I snap out of it to see Jace seated in-front of me, "you're glaring at the poor girl." I sigh, "what do you want Jace." He brings his chair closer to mine, "an answer."

"Fine, I'll take you up on your dare ok? Now leave me alone."

"Why do you always let his name upset you this much? He's not that important Celina, besides you're dating me now."

He says it so loud that everyone turns looks at us, i glare at him. He didn't give me any kind of warning that he was going to announce it to the world. "Why do you have to be so loud."

"Because I want the news to get to Ryan as fast as possible. You're not the only one who wants revenge on him Celina."

That's right, him and Ryan used be friends and then Ryan messed up somehow. I never understood what happened but it seems that it's something that Jace can't let go. 

"See you soon princess" why does he have to call me that. "Can you come up with another nickname other than that." I yell at him as he walks out the door.

My phone dings......

Jace:                                                                                                                                                       Let the games begin then princess<3

Screw you Jace, why can't he call me anything else. His nickname for me makes me cringe, I sigh and put my phone away. 

My class goes by really fast. I say bye to my friends and head to my car, about a few feet away I notice Jace leaning against my car. I sigh and grab my keys from my bag, "what do you want Jace."

"We need to go through the rules for this relationship." I open the back door and throw my bag in there. "It's not a "relationship" and the rules are simple. Don't touch me, no pda and that's it." He sighs and puts his hands on his hips, "then what kind of relationship is this."

"The fake kind, now move I have to go home." I see Ryan walking towards us, "goodbye Jace." He grabs my wrist and pins me against my car, I stare up at him. "I'm sorry I know you said no but....." he leans down and kisses me. I can see from the side of my eye Ryan leaving but.....

I push him off and smack him on his face, "I said no Jace." He rubs his cheek, "ouch, I know and I said I'm sorry."

"I'm leaving, don't bother to apologize." I get in my car and put on my seatbelt, I drive away and I can see him waving at me with his stupid smile on his face. How can he be so annoying, he might think I'm consecutive but he can't keep crossing the line whenever he likes.


*ding ding*

Jace:                                                                                                                                                 Hey, sorry for kissing you earlier :)

Celina:                                                                                                                                   Whatever, just don't do it again unless I say so

Jace:                                                                                                                                                     As if you would ever say so

Celina:                                                                                                                                            Then just don't do it 

Jace:                                                                                                                                      Whatever you say princess, see ya

Celina:                                                                                                                                             Ugh, don't call me princess 

Why the heck did I even say I wanted to say this, Jace is the kind that never listens to anyone. Getting involved with him might not lead to a good thing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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