X. Pretty Liar

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Chapter 10, Pretty Liar

" I'm not saying I don't care, I'm saying I really don't care. "

~ Scarlett's POV ~

Once the day finished, I walked home and changed into my baseball uniform.
Today was the first day of baseball practice and I couldn't skip, as much as I liked to, I just couldn't.

I grabbed my dufflebag and walked downstairs, I grabbed an apple and left the house.
I decided I could just walk to practice since it wasn't far, I have been ignoring Jaden's calls considering that I was in a petty phase.

Once I got to the dug out, I ran over to Jaysean and hugged him.
We became best friends, he's chill and funny so why not?

"I have so much to tell you, face time later tonight?"

I asked I put my gloves on and fixed my hair into a ponytail, Jaysean nodded and we ran onto the field.
Jaysean was a mutual friend of mine and Jaden's, the best part is he's more on my side than he is on Jaden's.

I was practicing my fast balls when Jaden walked over, I decided we could practice together only if he doesn't get the devil beat out of him by me.
We were doing good until I had threw the ball too hard and it caught him off guard.

All you heard was a crack and then blood gushing down his nose, I dropped the ball and ran over to him.
I led him to the bench and grabbed the first aid kit, I cleaned the blood off.

I had to call my dad to take us to the hospital, his nose wasn't broken but fractured.
I felt bad, I truly didn't mean to hurt him but I just got so angry and it got the best of me.

Once he came out of the emergency room, I made sure to call Jessica and DJ and tell them about the incident.
Jaden made a joke about it, I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

I was still mad at him, but that didn't mean I was going to stop caring for him.
Besides it was my mistake for throwing the ball too hard, he looked at me and grabbed me by my waist.

We were now in a corner while my dad was signing him out.

"What's your problem? You're so annoyed by me and I have no idea why."

He stated, I looked at him and scoffed.
There he goes again, playing victim or was he so clueless that he couldn't see that he had hurt me?

"Look, it doesn't matter and quite frankly you don't get to know because you did it so I assumed you would have had an idea."

I muttered, Jaden looked at me and now he decided to scoff as he laughed dryly.
Jaden looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Well you obviously don't care enough to tell me what I did wrong, what the hell happened to communication is key?"

He asked, I felt anger lacing my veins as I wanted to just hit him hard but I just couldn't.
I didn't want to either, I took a moment to compose myself before I ended up saying something stupid that could end our relationship.

"I'm not saying I don't care, I'm saying I really don't care. "

I snapped, I walked away from him and left the hospital.
I had no idea where I was even supposed to go if I'm honest, I was just wandering around town without a piece of mind.

Jaden was blowing up my phone but I just put it on do not disturb, this boy needed to think about what he did and if he was going to be so clueless then so be it.
I decided to go to Google maps and Google my home so I can get there and take a nap, I was exhausted and my legs were aching.

I finally got home, I was there before my dad so I took a nice warm shower and washed my hair.
The sleepiness went away so I decided to rewatch the Oscars, I wanted to see the slap between Chris Rock and Will Smith once more.

The reason behind that is because I wanted to slap the hell out of Jaden, the problem is my heart was the size of Texas when it came to that boy.
He just wants to ignore that, I grabbed my notebook and flipped through the song pages.

I stumbled across a page where it has a note stuck in between the page, I rolled my eyes and took the note out.
I know who it was from and I didn't want to read it but I wanted to read it as well, I'm having mixed emotions if that makes sense.

After a moment of debating whether or not to read or to rip it up, I decided to read and then rip it up if I needed to.

Can we please talk? I'm sorry for whatever I did, let's talk?

I grit my teeth as I ripped the paper up and threw it in the garbage can, I placed my phone on the charger and covered myself up with the blanket.
A nice nap would cure my mood so that I could call Jaysean and spill everything to him, after I call Jaysean I'm going to call Xiomara.

Those two are great to talk to when I have issues, I'd talk to Layla, Javon, Jayla and Cora but they're busier than usual.
Layla and Javon got asked back to Euphoria for season three, Jayla and Cora are busy with college with left me with Jaden.

We all know I'm not talking to him, not now and certainly not later, I needed to cool down before I confront him for his actions.
But for now, I'm going to catch up on some sleep which was desperately needed.

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