Part 11

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His ash eyes were mesmerising, if he wasn’t who he was, I would've fallen for him instantly.

"Ah, found you. My men did a good job in finding you I see.  It took longer to meet you than I had anticipated. How have you been baby girl. Missed me?" he said with a small smile that looked anything but friendly at the time.

I didn’t answer, how could I! This couldn’t be real! I just stared not being able to form a word.. Not getting any response from me for a while, he gritted his teeth,
" It’s rude not to answer questions. Is this what they teach you at school?"

"Oh, I have been fine.." I shrieked out.. He looked oddly satisfied at my obedience . He came closer to me and I subconsciously took a step back. I don't know why I felt like his eyes darkened for a second .It must have been my imagination. Rae stood beside me like a statue and I could tell she was scared.

" You remember what I said the last time we met don't you?"

" What ever are you talking about? I  don't remember much about meeting you" I said trying to look confident.

"Oh really? You don't remember meeting me? You don't remember me telling you that I'd be making you mine?"  he said raising an eyebrow.

"I do remember meeting you. But other than that nothing much. I work as a waitress you know. I meet a lot of people everyday. I can't remember everyone I meet. Plus, I'm just a mere student who works as a waitress, why would anyone like you say those things to me.  You must have mistaken me for someone else"

I tried to reason and tried to give a humorous laugh but failed miserably. There might be a tiny chance that he forgot my face. I just prayy he really forgot my face and buys my lies. I really want to escape this situation.

But he didn’t.

His face expression went from amusement to a dark one and in an instant the little gap I had managed to put Between us was gone as he held my arm and yanked me closer to him. His grip was tight, but not tight enough to bruise me.. My body was literally touching his.
He brought his face to my ear, heat radiating off of him. I could smell his masculine cologne and damn, it smelled nice! I had to push down the urge to sniff him..

" Stop playing with me. Who do you think You're fooling? Do you take me as a joke"  he whispered harshly in my ear. His deep voice sounding every bit of dangerous. I shook my head vigorously. He's right, who was I trying to fool. I must have been out of my mind. But for some reason his voice sounded very sexy and my mind wondered how he might sound when he wakes up in the morning.. (not in a perverted way. She's a pure one) The thought made me blush, shut up brain! This was not the time to think such things!

" Be happy I'm not an inconsiderate person and I don't hunt down minors. If I did, you wouldn’t be here, in fact you wouldn't even be able to stand on those pretty little feet of yours, doll. But rest assured, I'll be taking you soon." he whispered.

His breath fanning my ear. But by now, my wandering thoughts were again once replaced with fear. I put my free hand on his hard chest and pushed him trying to create some space but he didn’t even budge. Instead he pulled me even closer. This guy was built like a rock!

" No. You Won't... Stop bothering me, please. Find someone else. There are soo many girls out there"

"Yes I will take you. I don't want others, I want you. Stop protesting" with this he let my arm go and pulled away from me. My arm hurt, but fortunately he was generous enough to not  bruise me.

My eyes tried their best to hold the unshed tears. By now everyone was staring at us and whispering.  Rae just stood still like a statue, unable to move. I don't blame her. One of his men approached him and told him they had to leave in 5 minutes. He cursed under his breath but then turned to me.

" I'll see you again baby girl." he gave me a sweet smile and walked back to his car, a few seconds later all the cars drove off. I let a sigh of relieve. Rae came up to me and gave me a bewildered look.

" What just happened? Why was Arestair Amaris here. He was here for only you that's for sure. But why? What happened?  You are telling me everything and don't even think about hiding shit, spill"


"Holy motherfucking shit! So he came to specifically see you only after seeing you once? For reals?" Rae exasperated plopping down on the couch. We are now at my house. I just simply nodded as a response.

" Who does that?! That guy is a psycho! He's claiming you after seing you once! And who even claims someone these days! What is he, a werewolf? Do I even have to spell it out for you how dangerous he is? That guy is a literal mafia!! If he really sends his men to take you away, how am I supposed to protect you!" she was yelling by now. Fortunately mom wasn’t home. I tried to shush her, didn’t work though.

" I don't know Rae... Maybe..maybe it’s just a short time fling.. You know sometimes you get interested in something then get bored with it? Maybe it’s like that with him too. Maybe He'll get bored and not take me or something, don’t worry" I said in a weak voice.. But Rae looked serious.

She came to me and clamped both her hands on my cheeks, squeezing them.

" You think a mafia has soo much free time that he made an effort to find a single person, did background check on her, and personally came to meet her? If he wanted to play, he could've done that easily. If he wanted to pass time, he would have fucked you and thrown you already and no one would have done shit to stop him" Rae looked me dead in the eyes.. She was right.. Even Arestair said the same thing... But what am I supposed to do!

"Look, I don't know why he's not doing anything if he's serious, I don't know what he intends on doing, just be careful. If that fucker ever hurts you, mafia or not, he will die by my hands" I laughed at her. I know I shouldn’t, but the way she worried about me was really endearing to me. And she kind of reminded me of Michael in a way..

She then proceeded on showing me how she'd wrestle him with a pillow. She spent the night with me, I knew she did it out of worry, although she wouldn’t admit it.

We spent the whole night talking and joking around, the incident long forgotten.

I was blessed with great people in my life. And that's what mattered the most.

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