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(Double update like I promised)

No one's pov:-

Yuta sat at his table, and the chemist in front of him explained the process of miscarriage. "You haven't fed him the medicines even once, and it would be more time-consuming, so I made this medication that is more powerful than the previous ones. " The beta said, passing the small bottle of the drug to the True Blood, who lazily inspected it.

"How much it would affect him?" Yuta asked, raising a brow at the beta, who gulped hard before speaking.

"The omega hasn't eaten anything from past four days, so it will take approx three hours to start its effect. It would kill the pups inside, despite the rank, they belong to. And, you have to give this sedation too, which would put that omega to sleep to prevent the pain. " The beta said, and the man only hummed to it.

"You can go now. " The man didn't need to be told twice, and he rushed out of the office.

Yuta stared at the two bottles on the table before a thought crept into his mind, and with a smirk, he linked Yerin. 'Come to my office, this instant.' He said.

In a few minutes, Yerin entered his office with a confused face, and Yuta motioned her to sit in front of him. "What do you want?" Yerin asked, with a scowl, when she saw the two bottles of drugs lying on the table.

"You have to inject these two into Taehyung. " Yuta said with a grin, making Yerin look at him with shocked eyes.

"Why do you do it instead of asking me?" Yerin scoffed, turning to leave but stopped feeling the red eyes of Yuta linger on her, longer than she expected.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am not asking something, but telling you to inject him. " Yuta said and pulled out two needles from his drawer, giving them to Yerin.

Yerin angrily gritted her teeth, looking at two needles in her hand. "You can give any of the first, but be sure to inject him soon. I want to be done with this shit soon. " The True Blood replied and went out of the office.

"What does he thinks me as?" Yerin thought, staring at the two injections in her hand. She picked up the bottles and went upstairs to the room where Taehyung was kept.

By hearing the twist in the doorknob, Taehyung's insides twitched in uneasiness, knowing something was about to come. 'A danger,' he concluded. His pups' kicks became a little harsh, but Taehyung calmed it by gently rubbing his bump.

Taehyung's eyes widened when he saw Yerin entering the room, but instead of saying anything, she went towards the bed, and that's when he noticed two injections and small bottles in her hands.

Panic took over the omega, wondering what was happening when he saw Yerin filling the injection with a liquid. When she made eye contact with the omega, Taehyung could see the hurt, anger, and jealousy in her eyes, making him wonder why she was doing something like that.

"Yerin, why? Why did you do this? Weren't you one of the best warriors of our pack, then why do you have to help our enemies?" Taehyung asked, staring at the alpha-girl with teary eyes. Yerin clenched her fists in anger, looking at the bump to which Taehyung had his arms wrapped around securely.

"It was all because of you!" Yerin yelled, making Taehyung flinch in his place.

"M-Me!? But what did I do?" Taehyung asked confusedly, looking at her. Yerin let out a mocking laugh, stepping closer to the omega, who just held his bump tighter.

"Oh, don't pretend like you don't know anything. I am in love with Jungkook. We were inseparable since high school, but I wasn't as good as a True Blood like him, so I went abroad to become a competent partner, but guess what? I returned, and you fucking replaced me. " Yerin yelled, making tears flow from the omega's cheeks.

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