Chapter 19

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A/N - TYYY FOR 1.5k READS WTF🛐 Literally gang on midnight here you gooo <3



There was nothing that made me more at ease than safety and security.

Whether that be a simple text from one of the twins telling me they'd be home late or the fact that I could sleep at night knowing my siblings were safe under my roof; it kept me sane.

Holding my sleeping sister on this damn hospital bed was giving me the same feeling - no harm could come to her while she was near me. I continued to run a hand up and down her back, taking in the features on her face as she slept peacefully.

She looked so much like him.

Not as much as me, but the resemblance was certainly there.

A snore averted my attention towards Alexander who was knocked out on a chair in the corner- that boy. Beside him, Xavier was sleeping on an identical chair; an unconscious smile present on his face. Always happy.

Caleb had claimed the sofa and was sprawled out across it in what appeared to be the most uncomfortable manner known to man, he'd wake up in pain later that was certain. Prescott had gotten the bed beside us and on that rare occasion, he looked at ease.

The only time they held that peacefulness, that innocence, was when they were asleep- and even then that wasn't the case. It was easier when everything was somewhat carefree, yet I wouldn't change the fact that they were under my care permanently change for the world.


"Why are we all up here?", I knew bringing all six of my siblings into my bedroom would raise questions - I never let them in here. Apart from Prescott.

"We're playing a game", I bounced a 2 year old Isabella on my knee and smiled when her giggling filled the air, "who can stay quiet the longest".

"That's boring", Caleb whined and I eyed my closed door wearily, why did Mama always take so long at the shops?

"You're losing already", I shook my head, "whoever wins gets to try a coffee". Chase and Caleb gasped- their mouths snapped shut in an instant. They had a weird fascination with coffee, they begged to drink it every time they saw me with some.

I'm allowed because I'm the oldest.

Thank god Mama took the twins with her, I wouldn't have been able to keep them quiet too. A crash downstairs made me hold Isabella tighter; if he just stayed downstairs till Mama got back we'd be fine.

I watched as Caleb and Chase pulled funny faces at each other, trying to get the other to crack; at least they were unaware at 5 and 7. Not like Prescott. I could feel his eyes on me, he always knew when something was wrong.

And judging by what he saw yesterday, he knew I wasn't in Dad's good books right now.

"You know I'll always protect you right?", Isabella grabbed one of my fingers and shoved it into her mouth, she'd been teething and my hands were clean so I kept it there, "all of you".

"From Dad", what Scott had said wasn't a question - he was telling me.

"From everything", I replied and he nodded once, "you hear that Isabella? I'm not letting anything happen to you".

"Zay!", she squealed, yanking my now soggy finger out of her mouth and dropping it into my lap, I chuckled and spun her around so she was standing on my thighs, "want Scotty". She made grabby-hands towards the 9 year old and he reached out for her, taking her from me and sitting her down on his lap.

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