Christmas Pt. 2

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A/N: I know I've been MIA my fault guys 🐝 but here's the chapter🤍 it's not the best but enjoy😉


"good morning my babies" I said as I kissed their heads

"good morning my love" Dave said as he kissed my lips

"Ewww" the twins said

"let's go open gifts" and they ran toward the living room

"welp it's time to get up" I sigh getting up and going to the living room

After about an hour of opening gifts, they were all done

Madison got a whole bunch of barbies and girly things && more

Mason got a lot of nerf guns and other typical boy things && more

I got red bottoms, jewelry, and perfume and the babies got me a purse && more

Dave got a Cuban necklace and bracelet from me and the kids got him a watch && more

His other gift will be later


After we finished opening gifts at the house we started getting ready for the Christmas party at the gang house to exchange some gifts there too.

The house wasn't decorated but the living room was, all of our friends were there, and the gang members who have kids.

"Tio Ice"

"Tio D"

Both the twins yelled running towards them hugging them like they haven't seen each other in a long ass time

Dave and I went around saying our hi's to everyone. Well mainly I did that and he just gave everyone a head-nod

"Momma is it time for presents yet" madison said

"Baby we just got here how about we eat and then presents later" I said back

Someone came out of the kitchen and yelled "Foods ready come eat fuckers"

Gunna and Al started running to the kitchen, Al was winning but Gunna is a sore loser and pushed her hard making her fall on her ass. I was too busy laughing my ass off that I didn't even see Rel go help her up.

" Al you good?" I asked tryna hide my laugher

"Yes, im fine dumbass keep laughing and Ima put you on ya ass" Al said back

We all walked into the kitchen to see Gunna sitting at the table with two plates in front of him like the fat ass he is

"gunna what the fuck are you doin bro" dave asked

"duh im eating" gunna said with a stupid look on his face

As I walked past him I smacked the back of his neck hard and said "thats for pushing my bestfriend" Rel smacked him after

By now everyone had food on their plates and was sitting all around the trap house whereever you could sit

I started growing nervous because what if dave didnt want another baby? then what would I do?

I felt a hand on my thigh making my eyes go up to see Dave looking at me with confusion written all over his face.

"Baby whats wrong?" he questioned

"nothing baby, just nervous you might not like your last christmas gift" I said looking down, he put his finger under m chin forcing my head up looking at him. He smacked his teeth and said "baby I'm sure whatever you got me Ima love it just because you got it for me"

"thanks baby"

---2 hours later---

"ALRIGHT KIDS IT TIME TO OPEN PRESENTS" I yelled causing about 6 little feets to run downstairs towards us. We had seperated all of the kids presents into groups so its eaizer

All of the girls got, fake phones, dolls, toy makeup and more

All of the boys got, toy cars, a lot of nerf guns and much more

All of the kids picked a toy to open then they had run off with them, having the time of their lives.

"Alright now time for our gifts" Gunna said

Gunna: he got everyone weed because he thought it was funny

Alpha: he got everyone Crimson 4's

Al: she got everyone two pairs of yezzy slides && me lingerie on the side

Rel: he got everyone a nick tech tracksuit

Kd: he got the boys a bunch of white shirts and gray shorts, he got the girls 2 dresses and a gift card to do our hair and nails

Dave: he gave everyone 2000 dollars because he aint know what to get people

me: I gave al lingerie, and everyone got air force 1's and essential sweaters

We all said our thank you's and started cleaning up after everybody. We all sat on the couch and now it was time.

"Alright guys so I have one more final gift for Dave and I wanted you all here to see his reaction and I want to record all of ya reactions" I said getting up to get the present

"hey you go baby" I presed record and waited for him to up it

His face went blank and first scaring the fuck outta me

"Do you not like it ?" I questioned him

"No baby" my heart dropped to my fucking ass

"I fucking love it, thank you for giving me another one" he said as he got up and kissing my whole face

"bro dont fucking scare me like that again you dumb ass bitch" I said smacking his chest, then hugging him

"UMMM hello I want to know what it is" Kd said

"im pregant" I smilled

Al, Gunna, Alpha, and Kd are got up started yelling about how happy they are

Rel didnt

"You not happy shes pregnant Rel" Al said

"you better be fucking happy" Dave said almost yelling at him

"no im happy yall believe me but Al why can't you get pregnant ready" he said almost whinning

"cause Im the rich aunt with no kids. ITS TEAM FUCK THEM KIDS!" Al yelled making all of us die besides Rel

"just wait and see" Rel said

"yeah wait and see me throw myself down a flight of stairs" ALi said now rolling on the floor from laughing

"don't worry Rel I got ya back" I said to him


"no the fuck you don't" Al said

"yup i do" I said as I started walking out of the room preparing myself for her to jump on me like always

"Alyssa dont you dare jump on her, she pregnant or ima lay one of you" I heard Dave's voice

--[they back home-kids sleep already]--

"Are you happy about the baby?" I had to ask one more time still needing him to say yes one more time.

"yes, baby i am over the fucking moon. i missed your pregnancy the first time and thats my fault ma. Im happy and ima be with you the entire time ma promise that" *kiss* "I love you" *more kisses*

I was about to lay my head on his chest but he pushed me on my back pulling the sheets back and my shirt to under my boobs.

He rubbed my chest 3 times and the kissed it three times, then said "I love you too buddy"

Then covered me back up but this time he laid his head in my neck with his legs over mine, and his arm on my stomach so lighlty. I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face.

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