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*Please be aware that Daloni is turning five and not six! I decided to change his age!!

"Happy Birthday to Daloni, Happy Birthday to you." Everyone sang, crowding Daloni's bed. The cake was being held by Heaven, while Zylin recoded and Jayda took pictures.

The night that everything went down Jayda and Heaven had thought that Daloni had passed away when it was the total opposite. Daloni's neurologist had said that there was no longer cancer in his brain. On top it all, they had winged Daloni off of his machines, and surprisingly he did well without them.

Heaven had cried that whole night because she had thought that God called Daloni home, when in reality he sent a miracle. Daloni still had cancer in his bone and lungs but Doctor Grey said that he was making a turn for the better.

"Mommy." Daloni whimpered, doing his hands in grabbing motions. He didn't quite have his energy back and he would have to learn how to do a lot of things again. One thing that he didn't forget was Heaven and Spider Man.

"It's your birthday papa. Look blow." Heaven grinned, carefully bending the cake down so that Daloni could attempt to blow out his candles. Trying to blow the candles out, Daloni instead blew spit all over the cake making everyone chuckle.

"So uh, I got cupcakes, I'm sure y'all don't want spit cake." Heaven stated, sitting the cake on the night stand. Heaven had invited all of the nurses on the floor and Daloni's doctors to his celebration. The room was packed out.

Daloni continued reaching for Heaven just trying to get some sleep. Heaven had gotten him a customized Spider-Man hospital gown, and even a Spider Man mask.

"With great power, comes great responsibility!" The human sized Spider Man yelled, entering into Daloni's room.

"Pider Man!" Daloni yelled, pointing at the person who was dressed as his favorite villain. Zylin made sure he got all of it on video, so that Heaven could go back and watch it later.

"Papa Spider Man came to see you!" Heaven grinned, tickling Daloni. Daloni fell into a fit of laughter excited that he was meeting Spider Man.

"Pider Man, Pider Man!" Da'loni yelled, trying to get out of his bed. Heaven quickly stopped him, being that he hadn't walked in a while she didn't want him to fall. Instead she picked him up. She ignored the pain in her side, although Jayda and Zylin caught her facial expression.

"Are you the birthday boy?" The fake character asked, poking Daloni's nose.

"Pider Man!" Daloni yelled, throwing his hands in the air as a big smile grazed his face. He didn't know what the man had said, he just knew Spider Man.

"Jay get us a picture." Heaven said.

Jayda happily took their picture as Daloni stared at the character. Heaven was smiling big, making everyone in the room coo. Everyone in the room could see the happiness that Daloni and Heaven brought to each other and they were just glad that Daloni never gave up.

"You want Spider Man to hold you?" Heaven asked.

Although he loved Spider Man, he didn't want anybody else holding him if it wasn't Heaven. Heaven only chuckled and turned around to see Zylin recording everyone talking and engaging with one another.

"Arm." Daloni stated trying to show Spider Man his muscles.

"You got some big muscles." The man replied, touching Daloni's arm.

"Say thank you." Heaven smiled. Daloni only smiled and waved at the man. Heaven looked down at Daloni and saw his eyes fighting to stay open. She figured it was time for everyone to clear out.

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