Ready for adoption (10)

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(Y/n) pov
I groan slightly as the light from the sun shine from my window waking me up slightly.  I rub my eye's a bit with one arm only to feel to body's huddled against mine. 

Green and light blue fluffy hair where in my line of vision.  Izuku and Tomura hug me close.  I smiled slightly at my children , as I remember yesterdays incidident.  I gave a annoyed sigh at that thought.

"What in the hero society was I thinking. I could off died and I would of left my children all by themselfs. God in an idiot."  I though angrily at my self ad I rub my forehead.  I stared at the two kids besides Me and smiled. I gave them each a kiss on the forehead as I slithered out of bed quietly and quickly. 

I semi tip-toed out of my room and started to make breakfast.  As I wad almost done the phone rang. Turning of the stove I went to get the phone to see the caller tag. Answering the call I heard Mia yelp. 

"Are you alright ? What's up? "
I question quite worredly.  I only hear a sigh in return.

"Nah in good. Just bump into a wall you know the usual. Anyways I did what you ask kinda simple if you ask me since the kid had no parents or other guardians. I just need you and the kid to sign dome papers and the child is officially yours. "  Mia said from the other side of the phone. This was great news. My cheeks starded to hurt from all the smiling I was doing , I was so happy Tomura is going to be legally a Midoriya. 

"Oh thank you thank you thank you Mia. I though it will be more paper work im so glad you help me out how can I ever repay you. " I said with glee as I beam with joy. I heard her chuckle slightly. 

"Ha ha ha don't worry about it dear , but if you want then go find yourself a man or woman to settle down again  another parential figure for your boys. " 

I groan at the thought at settling down again.  I really don't need a lover I got my children with me that's all that matters to me.

"Mia you know I don't want to settle down again. Anyways who will want a woman with kids, nowadays people just want a tap and that's it. Ill do anything else but that. "  I stated clearly and sternly  only to hear her groan on the other side.

"Atleast your children are your priority but still woman ill least try for me please. I want you to be more happy and it could make your children happy as well. "

She was right on some parts but still. I don't think ill get in a relationship anytime soon.

"Ill try I guess, don't get your hopes up alright.  "

"As long as you try that's good for me. Anyways stop by when ever your ready and we will sign the paper work. "

"Alrighty then see you soon. Once again thank you I really appreciate it Mia.  "

"Don't worry to much about it it was a favor for what you did a long time ago but my offer still stans."   I rolled my eyes in joking manner.

"Oh yea but still pick an offer you want me to do and then will see."
"No fair why can it be both?"

"Goodbye Mia see you later. "

"This conversation is not over bye"

"Bye" With that I hang up and continued making breakfast.

A few minutes later I heard the pittter patter of footsteps coming down the stairs. I putted the plates on the table and smiled at my children.  Who had messy hair and wrinkled pajamas. 

"Morning , breakfast is ready. " I smiled at them as I prepared my plate. They sat on the chairs and started to eat.

"Thanks mommy/mom " they said as they chewed on the waffles.  I nodded as I ate as well. 
"Mama are we doing anything today? " Izuku question as he was covered in syrup. I chuckled as I lean over to clean his cheeks.  I see that Tomura had syrup on his face as well. So I clean him as well. 

He turn red and froze a bit. Tomura then shuttered his words.

"M-ma St-stop.  Im a-a big kid. "

I smiled at him as I lean back to my seat. "Big or small your still be my little boy that I love and care for. " I then face Izuku." That goes for you to my little hero and also we are going to a Mia's office today. I have a few papers to sign."

"Will it take long ? " Tomura question.  I shake my head in denial. 

"No I don't think so, well me might have to wait a bit if there's people but other than that no. "

Izuku then jumps from his seat.
"Can we go the park  when we are done?" I laugh slightly AMD nodded.
"Sure we can "

"Mom what are the papers you need to sign? " Tomura question. I wink and put my index finger near my lips.

"That's a surprise my dear Tomu"  He slightly pouted but continued eating.

As we finish I clean the dishes and order the kids to get dress. I did as well as I finish.

"Mama I need help on my shoes. "  Izuku whined slightly as he came down the stairs. His black shoe laceses undone.  He sat on the last step and I kneels infront of him to tie his red shoes. 

Izuku was wearing a white t-shirt with military green shorts. The Tomura came down the stairs.  He had a light blur shirt and black pants. He also had red shoes on. He pointed at my feet.

"We all match. " He smiled slightly.  He was right I wore a mint green sweater and light blue jeans I also had the signature red shoes.

"Of course we do its now our style Tomu. Now lets get in the car the faster we leave the faster we can get to the park. "

Izuku nodded happily as he skip towards the car.  Tomura slightly lag behind him with a small smile as he stared at the happy broccoli.  I smiled as I lock the house and entered the car buckling up both Izuku and Tomura as I drove off.

Mother Midoriya [ (Y/n) Midoriya x Hero/Villains ]Where stories live. Discover now