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I typed up an incident report impatiently on my computer. I usually don't mind these things, but my lunch break was in the next five minutes and I really don't wanna do it when I got back.

Thankfully my side of the building was pretty calm, especially with my boss gone for a couple days, so I had no interruptions in the process. As soon as I saved the file, a knock sounded on my office door.

I shut off my computer and opened one of my desk drawers, in search of my wallet. "Whoever it is, come in."

It opened to reveal Omar, the closest thing to a friend I have at the office. Omar began working here way before me, and even though we were actually polar opposites, we oddly get along just perfect. Omar is a ball of energy, carrying plenty of feminine mannerisms, but straight as a line.

I was more on the calm side, a bit intimidating from what I've been told, but not purposely. Most of our co-workers don't make friendly with either of because of our appearances I assume? I guess we're a bit too outlandish for them.

"Hi my sunshine, why you still in this office? It's our lunch break." Omar said smartly, making himself comfortable on the loveseat in my office.

I chuckled at him, "I was just looking for my wallet, then I was coming to get you."

We usually eat lunch together, whether it be inside or outside the office.

"Oh ok, good." He sat up and came over to me, shoving his phone in my face. My eyes widened at the sudden movements. "I found this cute lil' restaurant like a five minute walk from us, you wanna go?"

I moved his phone back a little bit and stood up. "I don't think I have a choice, so yes."

"I'm glad you know." He shrugged. I shook my head at his spoiled ass, not able to keep the small smile from surfacing.

"Let's go though, I can't do it with Jan today." I sighed, making my way to the office door.

Jan was the front receptionist, who had made it her duty to interrogate us every time we left and entered the building.

Omar scoffed, "Speaking of her ass, this morning when I came in she gon' ask me-..."

As he went into the events that transpired between him and Jan this morning, we made our way out of my office. I locked my door behind us, then we descended down the hallways and onto the main elevator. Once we got to the first floor, and thankfully out of the door uninterrupted — becasue Jan hadn't made it back from her lunch break— I followed Omar in the direction of the foreign restauant.

A couple minutes later of maneuvering human traffic, we came to a stop in front of a small storefront. It was small on the outside, but when I stepped in it seemed to open up a lot more. The smell of oils and spices hit me in the face and I looked around, impressed with the set up of the restaurant. The decorations were subtle and reminded me of the inside of the home, oddly.

"Aw it's nice in here, come look!" Omar squealed from beside me, startling me out of my trance. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the huge menu plastered on the wall.

I checked it out for a minute, before deciding on the barbeque chicken personal pan pizza.

"You know what you want?" I glanced over at Omar.

"I think imma get the custom wraps," and he pointed at them.

I nodded in approval and we both went to the counter to place our order. There was a woman behind the counter, shouting instructions at the chefs in the back, which I could barely comprehend because her accent was so thick. After a moment she made her way over, greeting us with a polite smile and taking our orders. We were each given a reciept with a number on it and our drinks, respectively.

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