10| Catch

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Chapter 10: Catch (Ronan's POV)

I don't even think she remembered that day when she drew up the cover. Which may be why she seems so lost in thought as she shelves the books. She's standing up on a stool as I hand her one copy at a time to place on the shelf. I watched her carefully, my eyes dropping to her foot which was barely on the edge of the stool anyway. She's going to fall and she doesn't even know it. 

I bit back a chuckle and handed her the last copy. She went on her toes, tucking it between the other books, grunting softly as she shifted her weight to one foot, the stool shaking slowly. "London," I warned. 

"I'm not going to fall," she mumbled right before pushing the book with a single finger. She shelved the book. But the stool gave out from under her. She let out a soft scream as I used my foot to straighten and balance the stool while grabbing a hold of her waist. One of her arms went around my neck as I grabbed a hold of her legs. "Ow," she winced, looking at her ankle while I held her like a bride. I put her down immediately and she winced louder, hitting my arm and chest repeatedly. "Ow, ow, ow, ah!" 

I sat her down on the stool, lifting her left foot up. "I hope you realize why I always told your dad to get small ladders instead of stools," I mumbled, pulling her converse off and grabbing her ankle, pressing down on it. 

She squirmed, her toes tightening under her socks while she kicked me with the other foot repeatedly. "Ah, you're such a jerk!" 

I looked up at her, gently placing her foot back on the ground. "You twisted it," I stated. 

"No shit," she sighed, leaning down and rubbing her ankle. "It's fine. I'll make it home, whatever," she mumbled, looking up at me. She stiffened up, realizing how close we were to each other before quickly straightening up. 

I rolled my eyes, sliding her shoe back on before standing up. "I'll take you home." 

"That's fine," she argued. 

"Just shut up and take the help when it's offered." She frowned at me just as the lights buzzed and then flickered back on. "Stay right here. I'm bringing your stuff and then we'll leave," I said sternly before walking to her table. I grabbed a copy of my book and tucked it into her bag before grabbing the keys and walking back over to her. I handed her the bag and keys before kneeling in front of her, my back facing her. 

"What do you want me to do?" she asked. 

"Get on without throwing a fit so I can take you home," I answered, not turning to look at her. 

She clicked her tongue, putting her arms and legs around me. "Fine, but don't complain later," she huffed. 

I grabbed onto her thighs before standing up slowly. 

"Did you put your book in here?" she questioned. 

"Yes," I answered, walking to the light switch and turning them off. I walked out of the store and she held out the keys for me. I locked up the store and gave her the keys before starting to walk her home. 

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