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The taxi driver pulled up to the curb and parked, and Maria stepped out onto the sidewalk with a polite thank you to the driver. The coffee shop was right down the strip and she was in desperate need of something caffeinated after dealing with another fundraiser.

She was just about to open the door when she bumped into a figure, and she gasped as her fingers clutched onto the front of his shirt to keep from falling.

"Maria," he smiles, arms wrapped around her waist from their collision. "Hey."

"Jimin," she gulps, blinking up at him in surprise.

After their dance that one night, he had been swept away talking to people. Making connections and deals, she was sure, but it was still a bummer that she couldn't have at least one more dance with him.

"You've got dog hair on you," he laughs, brushing his hand against her skirt.

Flustered, she pulls back and tries shaking off the dog hair with a frown. "My father made me go to a fundraiser for the local dog shelter," she explains, and Jimin cocked his head to the side.

"Ah, a proper girl being all good for her dad, huh?" he grins.

"Please don't say that!" she says harshly. "I'm not like that."

Jimin's smile quickly faded away at her harsh tone, and he was quick to apologize.

"No, I'm sorry," she sighs, running a hand back through her hair. "I didn't mean to snap."

Jimin offers a small smile, nudging his head towards the coffee shop. "Let's just go inside."

When they got their drinks, they ended up in a back corner, away from everyone else. They talked about anything that came to their minds, bonding quickly despite it only being the second time they've met.

"Do you wanna go on a drive?" Jimin suddenly asks, a hint of craziness forming in his eyes.

Maria looks at him suspiciously.

"I haven't killed you yet, I don't think I'm going to now," he says with amusement. "Besides, don't you wanna live a little?"

Maria's eyebrows furrow. What does that mean? Weren't they just going on a simple drive?

Regardless, she agrees. And as soon as she gets into the black Mercedes Benz, he blasts music from his aux, pulls back the gear, and presses his foot on the gas.

"Jimin," she says, nervous, as he speeds down the road.

"Relax," he smirks, turning onto a clear road and pressing his foot harder on the gas.

"Jimin," she says again, panicked, as her hands grip onto anywhere they could in the car.

"Hey, princess?" he calls out over the music, an insane smile growing on his lips. "Stop being the good girl and fucking live in the moment with me for a second."

Maria frowns. She did need to let herself go, didn't she? She didn't have many opportunities to do so.

So with a deep breath, she unbuckled and opened the sunroof. With shaky legs, she stood up on the middle console and gulped when the wind met her face.

Jimin merely grins and holds her thigh in his hand to keep her still.

"That's a good girl," he murmurs, giving her thigh a quick squeeze.

A smile starts to grow on Maria's lips. It did feel a little fun up here, with nobody telling her what to do or telling her she had to act a certain way. Perhaps she smiled a little, and perhaps she closed her eyes to soak in the moment of freedom.

Their ride was over much sooner than she would've liked, and she sat back down on her seat sadly as Jimin pulled into her driveway.

"Did you have fun?"

Maria nods. "That was crazy."

"Crazy's okay," Jimin shrugs before nudging his head towards the door. "Better get inside. Wouldn't wanna get a pretty girl like you in trouble."

Maria's cheeks warm as she unbuckles and opens the door.

"Thank you for today," she murmurs bashfully, and with one more small smile, she walks away.

Jimin, intrigued, watches her with amusement in his eyes.

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