18: Fate

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"Y/n..." Izana turned around half asleep hoping to wrap his arms around Y/n.

He opened his eyes when he felt Y/n's pillow instead.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Shinichiro bursted into his room

'It's my birthday huh...' he thought to himself

'I totally forgot' 

Izana has been stressing himself for five months still hoping that Y/n's alive.

He would go every morning to that exact same ocean hoping he would see her waiting for him to pick her up.

He would go to the places she would normally run to whenever they argue hoping he'd see her there pouting like a kid.

He would go to her favorite cafe hoping to see her happily munching her favorite snacks.

He would sit outside the house where they used to sit to stare at the stars at night hoping she would come back someday and sit beside him.

He would go to sleep leaving a space for Y/n incase she comes back in the middle of the night.

He would open his eyes in the morning hoping to see her sleeping peacefuly beside him.

He would come in their shared room hoping to be welcomed with her warm smile and hug.

But he never saw her again all these months.

All those hopes are slowly disappearing as time passes by.

Even the others who were looking for Y/n at first already gave up.

He's slowly accepting the fact that she's really gone, that she left him.

That he's now alone.

"Izana!" Shinichiro shouted to get Izana's attention


"You're spacing out again.. geez you need a prayer... Ima call Taiju-"

"No! I'm fine-" Izana quickly got up running to the bathroom.

Last time he's spacing out with the Black Dragons gang, Taiju suddenly appeared chanting him prayers for a whole one hour.

"Go pack your things! We're going on a vacation to the Philippines!"

"Back home..." Izana mumbled leaning back on the bathroom door falling down on the floor sobbing

"Y/n.. where are you? Let's go back home together"

"Izana come out already! I need to pee!" Mikey banged on the door

"Yeah just a minute!" He shouts washing his face putting on a normal expression before opening the door.

"Sorry pfft"

Izana went to his room to prepare his things

He took out a velvet box with a necklace inside exactly like what he gave Y/n for her birthday.

"Let's go home together" he whispers putting the necklace on

"Mikey~" Takemichi ran to Mikey hugging him followed by the rest of the captains.

"Takemicchi, I'm not leaving for good 'ya know~ I'm going on a vacation" he chuckled patting Takemichi on the shoulder "Dummy Takemicchi"

"Don't cause any trouble there okay Mikey?" Draken reminded

"Ofcourse I won't"


"Don't even think about it" Shinichiro held his hand up to Ran and Rindou who kept asking to tag along.

"Hmph" Rindou looked away

"It's a family vacation"

"One will be seated on a different aisle" Shinichiro mumbled looking at the tickets while boarding the plane.

"I'll go" Izana volunteered wanting to be alone to get proper rest

Shinichiro nods giving the ticket to Izana as they part ways

Izana was sitting beside the window with one free seat beside him and an old guy on the other seat.

"Oh I'm sorry, excuse me.." a girl with jet black long hair wearing a black face mask whispered apologizing to the passengers she bumped into.

She excused to the old guy accidentally stepping on his foot.

"What the hell lady"

"I'm so sorry... I couldn't see it" she apologized before sitting down on the seat between Izana and the guy.

"Tch my shoes are now dirty. This shoes are expensive. You should pay for it"


"She won't. I saw you moved your foot forward trying to make her trip and fall. It's your fault." Izana glanced at the guy before staring at the girl's eyes. She has brown eye on the right and gray eye on the left.

"T-thank you..." the girl thanked bowing slightly to Izana before starting to explain

"You see, my other eye is blind" she points to her left eye making Izana nod.

"I just got out of the hospital a week ago" she continued

"Yeah, good for you" he responded boringly before looking out the window as the plane starts to take off.

"Yeah and I'm still not used to have only the right part of my eyes working" She kept talking


Izana slightly jumped when the girl's head fell on his shoulder. She fell asleep during the flight. He looked at her planning to wake her up but decided not to when he saw her sleeping calmly.

He yawned looking back at the sky day dreaming

"The plane is landing. Thank you for staying with us during this flight. Everyone, WELCOME TO THE PHILIPPINES"

Izana stayed seated not wanting to be rude since the girl is still asleep.

"Hey.. wake up sis" a black haired man with a face mask walked to the girl slightly shaking her shoulder waking her up.

The girl realized she's leaning on Izana and the passengers are already leaving. She quickly stood up

"Sorry, I didn't know-"

"It's fine" Izana stood up taking his bag

"Ami let's go!" Two guys also wearing a face mask from the other aisle called out.

"Izana! Let's gooo~" Mikey called out from an opposite side waving at Izana. He nods and about to walk away

"Thanks for earlier again..." she held Izana's sleeve  thanking him before he leaves

"No probs"

"I'm Ami... Ami L/n" the girl held his hand out as Izana stared at her surprised after not hearing Y/n's last name after a long time.

"W-what?" Ami asked innocently

"Nothing... Izana Kurokawa" Izana shrugged thinking it's just a coincidence as he took her hand and shake it. "I'll be going now" he bid goodbye before walking away to go to where his siblings are

The masked man beside Ami held her shoulder
"Let's go" he pulled her away as the girl waved cheerfully

"Bye bye Izana!" She shouts before walking away calmly without her brother pulling her away

Izana turned around when he heard Y/n's voice calling his name.

He felt immediate dismay when he realized it was Ami. He was about to turn back when he caught a glance of her keychain on her bag.

He held the necklace he's wearing


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