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It has been a few months since Danny had built the staircase for Bruce and every so often when Batman went out on patrol Phantom would invisible follow him, this was one of those times.

The night was a quiet one by Gotham standards. Batman and his unseen partner were jumping, or in Phantoms case flying, across the rooftops and stopping any crimes they came upon. A few muggings here, a rapist or two there, but overall nothing too serious and nothing which required Phantom to get involved.

Since he wasn't need, Phantom allowed Batman to take care of the crimes alone while he watched from the sidelines. It was a little boring just simple following Batman everywhere and not getting in on the action, however Phantom wanted to be safe rather than sorry. So the ghost had decided to follow the man around whenever he went out on patrol for a while to make sure that the young bat themed vigilante wouldn't get himself killed, Batman being unaware of the teenage half-ghost following him of course.

Currently, the hidden duo were infiltrating a warehouse on the Eastern side of Gotham. The warehouse was suspected to be the main hideout of a major drug ring operation ran by Bane, a buff villain whom enhanced himself with super strength by the usage of multiple different drugs and whom runs all the major drug operations in the city.

The bat and the ghost observed the people in the warehouse from up in the rafters. Bane was easy to spot, the near 8ft tall man with glowing green drug tanks strapped to his back, Phantom decided to check if that was ectoplasm later, was standing in the center of the warehouse shouting out orders to his men.

Apparently, Bane and his men were supposed to be shipping out huge load of heroin to the docks tonight and they were running behind schedule. So while this was unfortunate for the bad guys, it was quite fortunate for the Dark Knight and the Ghost Boy.

"Surrender now and it will be less painful for you."

The dark, deep voice of Batman rang throughout the warehouse effectively making everyone stop what they were doing and freeze.

Bane dawned a look of rage as he looked around frantically for the intruder while he shouted. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

Batman silently jump down from the rafters and into shadows behind Bane before throwing a batarang at said villain. The batarang flew through to the air, silent as the wind, and broke one of Bands drug tanks while only cracking the other.

Bane screamed in shook and rage before spinning around. "Batman," Bane snarled before turning to his men. "Well, what are you waiting for?! Shoot him!"

It became a frenzy of bullets, punches, and bat themed weaponry flying everywhere.

Phantom stayed up in the rafters watching everything from above. It look like Batman had everything handled until Bane manage to sneak up behind the bat themed hero. Bane was going to drop a metal crate on Batman's head but Phantom used his telekinesis to freeze Bane in place.

Batman, noticing the green glow behind him, spun around but was left confused by the sight in front of him. An aura of soft neon green light had Bane frozen in place.

"What the?!" Bane stuttered as he tried to break free of the hold on him with little success.

Suddenly, Bane was sant flying back into a wall and was knocked unconscious. Before Batman had a chance to question this however, police sirens were heard the distance and the vigilante made his grand exit.

Phantom let out a silent sigh of relief before following after the bat themed hero into the night.

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