twenty seven

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october 4, 2020
4:23 pm

i was back at home, looking at myself in my mirror. i had changed my clothes, i was wearing a nicer pair of jeans and a plain black t-shirt. this dinner was just a casual dinner, but i felt like i had to look perfect for it. i didn't know why, louis' family and mine were basically just one big family.

it felt like i had to impress them, even though they had seen me in my least presentable states. now i had a new title to them: louis' girlfriend.

every time i thought of those two words, i got this rush of adrenaline and a bunch of butterflies were released into my stomach. i'm louis partridge's girlfriend.

so, i smoothed my hair with a hand, taking a deep breath before stepping out of my room, flicking off the light and closing the door.

i made my way downstairs, where my mother stood waiting at the door with homemade brownies. "about time." she remarked, opening the door.

i locked up the house behind me, even though we were only going to be a house away we didn't want to take any chances. we made our way across the grass, stopping at the partridge's door.

my mother knocked, even though she didn't have to. we could just walk straight in. issie answered the door after a moment, smiling. "hey, guys, come in."

we went inside, i glanced up the stairs and saw louis coming down them, his eyes lighting up when he saw me. he was like a little adorable puppy.

i smiled at him, pausing near the bottom step to wait for him. my mother went into the kitchen with the brownies, and i heard everyone else's voices in there, so i took the chance to kiss louis.

i pulled away and walked towards the kitchen, gesturing for him to follow with a simple wave of my hand.

i entered the kitchen, immediately being greeted by the warmest smile from mrs. partridge. "y/n, dear, hi!"

"hello!" i said, greeting the three partridge women with a wave. louis came over and leaned on his elbows on the island next to me.

"so, i was telling your mother that time flew today, so i wasn't able to get the meal going, so we ordered chinese takeout! we got rice, lo mein, some egg rolls, and some hot and sour soup." she informed me, taking the plate of brownies from my mom.

"oh, okay! i like all that anyways." i said, looking over at millie, who's eyes looked noticeably darker around the outsides. "are you wearing eye liner?"

she nodded hesitantly. "yeah, why?"

"just wondering, you look really nice with it on, by the way." i said with a smile, making the younger girl's face light up.

"alright, us mothers are going to go run to the off license to get some wine and pick up the food, behave yourselves. issie is the boss." my mother said, heading out of the kitchen with louis' mother.

i heard the door shut and lock, and right as soon as i looked at louis to ask to go up to his room so we can be alone and discuss our plan one last time, millie asked to watch a movie.

we couldn't say no to her, as she already had an idea as to what she wanted to watch, so we obliged and sat down to watch maleficent.

i sat next to louis, close enough that we were touching, but not close enough to cause suspicion. we wanted them all to learn at once, unless any of them already knew due to instagram or previous suspicions.

i was nervous as to what our families would say, i knew they wouldn't blow up in our faces, but i feared they wouldn't like it. they didn't have a good reason not too, unless we broke up and tore our families away from each other.

we were in thirty minutes whenever the door clicked open, and my worries heightened. i could smell the food and hear the rustle of the paper bag the wine was in.

"chow time!" louis' mom announced, taking the food out of the bags and placing it in the middle of the dining table.

millie paused the tv and we all headed over to the table, taking our seats. the partridge women sat on one side of the table, i sat in between my mom and louis, louis on my right.

the wine was popped open for the adults, the rest of us took water, and we scooped out food onto our plates, filling them up.

"so, y/n." mrs. partridge said. "how's school treating you?"

"oh, it's alright. i have some classes with louis and my other friends so it isn't totally unbearable." i said with a smile, spooning lo mein into my mouth.

she nodded, sipping her wine. everyone fell into small talk as the meal started to finish up, and when everyone got quiet i knew it was time.

it was time to tell them about louis and i.

"um, so i have something to tell you all." i said, causing everyone's eyes to fall on me. i could feel the nervousness rise in my stomach as i glanced over at louis.

i looked over at louis, nodding for him to say what's coming up next. he swallowed and looked around the table. "erm, so... y/n and i are dating, we have been for like two weeks."

it was silent before my mother burst out laughing. "you thought we didn't know? we see how you guys look at each other."

my face heated up as the other four people laughed, leaving louis and i shocked. sure, we posted about it, but we were sure they didn't check our instagrams, or at least mine. and, apparently, that isn't even how they found out.

"anyways, i would love to have y/n as a sister-in-law!" millie said excitedly, looking between louis and i. "if you get married."

"i don't think they're thinking that far into the future yet." issie said, a grin on her face. "i agree, though."

i looked over at louis, who was extremely scarlet, with wide eyes. when he looked back at me i bursted into laughter at the look on his face. he looked so embarrassed, like he wanted to sink into the floor.

suddenly, i heard the front door open and the sound of suitcase wheels on the floor. all heads turned to the archway that led to the entryway, and a man came into view.

"i'm home!" louis' dad announced as his family stood up to go greet him.

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