Saving Lucy

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Tim's POV
It's been 3 hours and Lucy's still not here. Not picking up for me when I call. I'm getting nervous. Something just isn't sitting right.
Maybe she stood me up? No she wouldn't do that...
I grab my phone and call Jackson. "West, is Lucy there?"
"No she texted me about 2 hours ago. Said she was meeting with Emmett at Las Torres then going to your house. Told me not to wait up."
"Thanks she must still be there." I chug the last of my beer. I begin pacing back and forth, go to the fridge and grab a beer. Somethings not right. One more hour. I give her one more hour and I'll go look.

Lucy's POV
I wake up and don't recognize my surrounding. My arms and legs feel paralyzed. I can't move. I soon realize I'm tied down. And someone's doing something really annoying on my ribs.
I life my head up and see Caleb from the bar tattooing DOD 12919 on my torso.
"Mm," I moan a little unable to find words.
"Thanks for helping me get rid of her." I hear a voice I recognize and can't stand say exactly who it is.
"No problem her little friend messed with my last victim."
"Is that all you need from me?" I finally put a face to the voice. Emmett. The same man who tortured me for years.
"Yeah, get out of here, we are going to have tons of fun. I'll meet you later when the jobs done." He grins evilly and I hear a door close and shut.
"You know what that is?" He looks at me and to the tattoo, I nod. "Tell me" he demands.
"Day of death."

Tim's POV
"I'm telling you something is not right. She's not answering me." I tell Grey standing outside his office.
"Sergeant!" Harper yelled followed by Nolan and West.
"Tell him." She said.
"Lucy didn't come home last night. She's not responding to our texts or calls."
"See I told you." I tell Grey. "She went to meet Emmett at Las Torres about Lila and never came over or went home."
If something happens to her I'll never forgive myself. I should have went . Something is not right... this Caleb guy showing up around her. Emmett as far as I know texted her right after Nolan saved the DOD girl, Nora I think was her name.
"I'll go check her last phone ping and Emmett's." Harper said and walked off.
"Run the name Caleb Wright as well." I yell after her.
"Creepy stalker guy for the bar?" West asks and I nod my head.
I need to hold it together. This is the ultimate test of if we can separate our relationship and work relationship, all eyes are going to be on me. Me spinning out will not help find her.
We all enter the briefing room.
"Everyone, listen up! Officer Lucy Chen has not been seen for approximately 13 hours. Last known to be meeting her Ex Emmett Lang at Las Torres known for abusing her. Given the circumstance, we cannot rule out abduction. So stop whatever you're doing. I want everyone on this until she's located. Notify S. O., see if they can shag calls for service." I felt everyone's eyes on me as I tried to hold it together.
"What are you all staring at, find her!" I snap at them.
"Phone company says GPS is disabled. Last tower ping was on Sixth and LaBrea at 9:07 last night. Same with Emmett."
Harper came in with some kind of information. "That's close to where she met Emmett."
"Control I need a shop to swing by Las Torres looking for an missing officer Lucy Chen." Grey calls out on the radio. I stand up and start pacing.
He order Nolan to go talk to the victim he saved for any kind of information.
I pull out my phone and dial Lopez's number, "hey, Lucy's been taken I need you."
"Of course. What can I do?"
"Go to Emmett's he was with her last night at Las Torres claimed to need to talk about Lila. It's either him or Caleb some creep that stalked her at the bar the night before."
"I'll call you when I know something." She said and I hung up.
"Sarg, give me something to do. I need to feel like I'm doing something."
"Follow me."  I follow him out to Armstrong's office.
"Caleb Wright does not exist." He told us.
"That's the name the guy gave us. Caleb Wright with a "w"."
"Well that doesn't exist just like Bryan Coleman."
"Exactly. He stole his life to gain access to the old zoo. Used its isolation to kill his victims." Armstrong tells me.
"But with that place burned, he's gonna need new killing ground." I finish for him... the thought is sickening.
"My guess is he already has one, and that's where Lucy is right now." Armstrong tells me. I breath out heavily to hold my composure... but it's nearly impossible. The love of my life is out there missing.
"Let's go." I bark out .

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