Chapter 36

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Xander pov



"You promised me Sophie, Carcharodon."

"Look at how big this is!"

"Baby its a great white shark. Ofcourse its big."

This was our date. Instead of going to lavish retaurants or romantic candle light dinner we always preffered going to places of knowledge and entertainment. For instance today was a museum which apparently had a skeleton of a great white shark which made Sophie behave like a deranged person.

"Do you know Xander, they donot have an air bladder to keep them afloat, so to avoid sinking they have to swim for there entire life. Not even a five minutes break. They have nothing to keep them buoyant."

"They must have committed a mistake in their past life to get a punishment like this Sophie."

"But Xander isn't this wrong. No matter how big mistake a person commits they should be given a second chance."

"Yeah, you are right baby. But you don't have to feel sorry for them. The shark has enough energy to swim for lifetime. If god gave them the punishment, he must have also given them the strength to endure it."

" Xander, lets form a pact. No matter how big of a mistake anyone of us commit the other person has to forgive. Everyone deserves a second chance."

"A pact! Okay fine darling but I don't think I will ever use it because I will make sure to never disappoint you."

"Well I hope nobody uses it. Let's name it Carcharodon."


"Its the scientific name for great white shark silly!"

"Oh, okay. Carcharodon it is."

"The pact Sophie. Please Sophie I love you. I will devote my entire life making it up to you. Just one chance baby, please."

Suddenly realisation dawned on her. She did remember the pact. She did remember the promise we made to each other. Though I had no will to ever use it but now I can't lose my Sophie.

"I remember."

I kneeled down in front of her. I begged her to accept me.

"Sophie, I know you deserve so much better. I know I don't deserve you. But I can't help but be selfish baby. I can't seem to live without you. I had always been so insecure that how can someone so wonderful as you love someone like me. I was afraid Sophie that you found someone better than me. That you realised that you deserve better. But I can't let you go Sophie. I will make myself the best for you. I will become someone who deserves you. Please don't leave me."

And I broke down. I couldn't control the tears flowing from my eyes. I loved her way too much.


She kneeled in front of me, cupping my face in her small hands kissed my tears away.

"Baby, I love you too. There is not even a single thing I want to change about you. You are perfect for me. Nobody can ever love me the way you do, the way you care for me. I won't leave you baby. I won't ever go away from you. And I won't let you go."

"Will you give me a second chance ?"

"Yes, I will."

Oh my god! So its a yes. We tend to always play hard to get when we already know what is it we really want. Instead of waiting for the right time do what your heart desires. Life is too short to wait for the right time. You never know what is going to happen to you in the next moment. So try living freely as much as you can for when you are on your deathbed, you will have as little regrets as possible.
I am not extending the story now because its going to be too obvious. It the second last chapter and soon it will be coming to an end. I hope you enjoyed reading the story so far and trust me, your comments and love mean much more to me than you can imagine.
So keep sharing your thoughts with me in the comments because a new insight to things is always welcome.

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