8: Pushing

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April 23rd, 8:57 AM. Location: Bakugou & Midoriya's Apartment.

Bakugou turned around, placing the plates onto the table delicately. "Deku, breakfast is ready!"  he called out. "Coming!!" Midoriya called, from their bedroom.

It took about 2 minutes, and Izuku still wasn't in the kitchen. "Babe? Come on, it's getting cold!" Katsuki called, once more.

A slight whine was heard from their bedroom, making the blonde curious. Therefore, he walked towards the room, and entered, where Izuku was sitting on the bed.

"Sugarbun, what's wrong?" The alpha asked, crouching in front of him. 

"Mm... N-Nothing... I just, the baby- I'm having cramps..." Izuku whined. 

Bakugou smiled and pressed his hands at each side of the bloated tummy, rubbing in circular motions. Midoriya always liked it whenever he'd be in pain, with cramps. Yet, Izuku asked him to stop, grabbing the alpha's hands and pulling them away. "N-No... It's fine, come on, I'm hungry!" Midoriya cheered, struggling as he stood up. Bakugou kept an eye on him as he made his way to the kitchen. However, before the boy could reach the table, he collapsed to the ground, with a long, painful whine. 

"Jesus Christ, Deku, Are you okay? What just happened?!" Katsuki asked, helping him back onto his feet... But Izuku just pushed himself back down, onto the floor again. He apparently didn't want to stand, he wanted to stay seated. 

"What's wrong??" Katsuki asked once more, getting more and more worried. 

"I- I th-" before Izuku could start speaking again, something unexpected happened. 

Bakugou stood up, and backed away, trying to avoid stepping in water. Izuku was alone, sitting on the floor, shaking and scared. 

"Wha- WHA- K-KACCHAN!! I- MY WATER! AH... AHH!" The omega started to scream, unaware of what to do. 

Katsuki frowned, looking down in guilt. To be perfectly honest, he had no idea what to do either. All he knew was that he had to bring his boyfriend to the hospital as soon as possible. The tall boy sighed, and crouched down, helping the omega back onto his feet again, and bringing him to a chair next to the dinning table. He then ran to the nursery, then to their bedroom, grabbing all the things they were going to need. 

"Alright, come on honey! It's time to go now!" Bakugou said, helping the greenette out the door...

After a little while, the two boyfriends were already at Kyoto's Hospital. 

They had easily gotten a room, since the nurses had awed over the number one hero.

Midoriya groaned as he shuffled in bed. 

Hospital bed were never comfortable for him. At all... 

"Awe~ It hurts..." Izuku moaned, throwing his head back as he pushed once more. 

"I know it hurts, baby! But damn, you're doing an amazing job, trust me!" Katsuki encouraged, clutching onto the green haired boy's hand. 

"G-GAH! GOD- D-DAMN IIIIIIT!" Izuku yelled, sqeezing Bakugou's hand tightly, pushing one more time. 

After being in the hospital for nearly 4 hours, both boys were tired of this, and simply wanted it to be over with. 

The alpha brushed away a strad of hair off of Midoriya's forehead, pressing a kiss there instead. "Come on Babycakes! You're so damn close!" He cheered, glancing at the nurses.

Izuku pushed once again...

Only to hear a small scream through out the room afterwards.

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