Chapter 40

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Rome (pov)

I woke up with the most extreme headache

Gosh this bed is so soft and comfy aahh it feels silky smooth on my skin~

My skin ?

I opened my eyes wide sitting up straight looking under the  comforter


"What happened ! Wha~ what happened  ?"

My eyes widened even more

"P~phi~ phi pick ?"

"Yeah ?"


"Oi shorty stop shouting !" Phi pick said

As I gulped suddenly putting my hands up to cover up a little

"Stop shouting ? Huh ? Wh~what am I doing here ? What did *gasp* did~did we do~"

"Oooi ! You idiot you don't remember a thing ? From last night ? " He asked and i shook my head no

"We didn't do anything don't worry " he said looking around on the ground to pick up my rogue boxer

Flinging it towards me

"There ~ rest of your cloths are were you left them " he said and i clocked my head to the left

Trying to figure out what he meant

What did I do last night ?


(In third person pov )

Pick brought his nong back to his apartment since the younger forgot to tell him that he didn't have his keys on him

So pick had to basically carry an almost unconscious boy all around the town

"Alright let's ge~ and we're going down ~ yup yup the floor seems nice" pick mumbled as he got dragged down onto the floor along with rome

He heaved a huge sigh looking down at the drunk boy

"Don't ever do that again rome " pick Mumbled tracing Romes face with his hands cupping onto one of the reddened cheeks

A small smile on his face as he closely examined the younger

"Gosh you're beautiful" pick sighed smiling

He felt the smaller boy stir awake making him quickly take his hands off

Rome looked up through his hooded eyes

"Phi pick !" Rome exclaimed getting up a bit to face the taller making pick flinch as the sudden burst of energy

And The next thing pick knew ~ rome was already straddling onto him Rome's hands cupping onto picks face making pick gulp at not only the close proximity but also the position

Pick finding it hard as to where he should rest his hands as badly as he wanted to put them on the youngers waist he just knew that wasn't the right call at the moment

"Sho~shorty what are you doing ?" Pick stuttered finding it hard to keep his composure at the moment

"Eheh phi pick ~" rome giggled massaging the taller's face with his palms

"You're sthuphid ! " Rome said nodding still not letting go of picks face

"Can you not move so much !" Pick finally gave in he grabbed onto the youngers waist holding him still

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