Chapter 4: An Eventful Morning

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"How were you not able to sleep last night? Does rain not put you to sleep?" Nicole ask as we are all sipping coffee.

"I just wasn't tired. I slept the whole way to Chapel Hill."

They're about to ask more questions but my phone starts ringing. It's my brother.

"If you'll excuse me I'm being summoned." I say as I grab my phone and rush to my bedroom.


"Taylor! How's North Carolina?"

"It's raining. It's been raining since last night."

"I'm nervous."

"Seth Lawson! It is okay to be nervous it's your first game as a college athlete. You have a lot to prove. What have I always told you?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know or you want it to come out of my mouth?"

"Tell me, Taylor."

"It's ok to be nervous before a game. If you're nervous, it shows that you care."


"Now how's my favorite Kentucky wildcat?"

"I'm only your favorite because everyone here hates you."

"Ouch that hurt. Mom and dad attending tonight?"

"Dad, yes. Mom, no. She's going to watch Austin."

"Austin is going to win. Syracuse is so good this year."

"Yeah." He sounds nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"When we play UNC this year will you come? I want my sister there to watch me play in person."

"Yes. I will put aside my differences with everyone there and watch my baby brother play, in person."


"Hey, Seth?"


"I gotta go Austin is calling. I love you."

"Love you too."

"You're gonna kill it. Murder it. They are all going to be left on the court. Bye."

I hang up with Seth and answer Austin my older brothers call.

"What's up, sista?"

"Austin! Don't you dare start talking like them Yankees." I hear laughing in the background. "Am I on speaker?" The laughing stops and I don't here background noises. "No."

"Are you calling for the annual advice?"


"Well put some work in and kick some ass. Don't lose that's embarrassing!"

"Wow not what I was expecting."

"I'm running out of advice. I've only done this since your freshman year. You're a junior now. Just know it came from the heart."

"I know it did."

While I'm on the phone with my brother there's a knock on the dorm room door.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me. Guess who's my roommates friend?"

"I don't know."

"Hayden Caperall."

"Slap him for me."

"I'm waiting for the right moment."

"So are you seriously going to keep your last name a secret to your new friends?"

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