Chapter 5 ~ Education

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I was in my uncles office sitting in a chair waiting for my uncle he was bringing Michael in to talk to him about something.

After a while of waiting my uncle walks in with Michael who is right behind him "Y/N. You cannot go with Michael today so you will be with me for the entire day helping me with things is that alright?" I nodded.

I mean it couldn't be that bad a day without Michael well I'm fine with that but I don't know if he is alright with that happening.

But then again Michael doesn't really have a choice. "Michael is that alright with you? Well no matter what you do your going"

Michael doesn't do anything at all. "Alright let's get going then. Y/N Wait here okay?" I nod and say "Bye michael" then my uncle walks michael out of his office I sit there thinking to myself what will this day bring.


I was really angry that Y/N wasn't here with me and dr loomis told me that the person who was in charge of the education system in the place didn't allow it so now I have to sit there and listen to some bullshit for two hours.

Dr loomis walked me into the class and the lady at the front who had blonde hair said "Welcome Michael. You will sit next to um John right in the middle" she then pointed to a table in the middle of room and then dr loomis handcuffs me before sitting me in that chair and leaving.

The teachers starts talking about the alphabet and then we were given some book and we needed to read a page the people around me were hitting books over their heads and just shouting.

I am really patient but this was down right irritating the teacher soon shuts them all up by saying they can colour what's the big deal with colouring it's just boring.

The guy from earlier john I think his name was. He started to hit my desk why can't he just hit his own desk? I stare at my table not doing anything other than that.

The teacher or whatever you want to call her walks to johns desk and tells him to stop and he just starts shouting random words at the teacher and then a guard comes in and drags John away probably back to his cell. The teacher then crouches down to my desk and asks "Are you okay michael? Why don't you talk like everyone else? Are you angry michael?" I didn't look at her just stared at my desk "Well Michael you better get used to this because you are here every Monday and Wednesday for two hours straight" I despise this place they say they want to make people better but overall they most likely make them worse I can't wait to be free from this place.


I was handing my uncle some files that he has asked for he smiled at me "Y/N I've been thinking when are you going to stop coming here I mean you cannot come here forever. You must get bored but it's okay if you wanna stay for a while but soon you will have to stop coming. Michael has never given a reaction to anything but as soon as Ben talks to you michael kills him" this was a shock for me I know I can't come here forever.

But I just don't know what to say. "Uncle I really don't know what to say" I scratch the back of my neck. "Let's just forget that I asked you that"

After a hour or two of me helping my uncle we walked down to the education place and my uncle told me to wait by the door.

Then after about a moment of waiting my uncle walks out with Michael infront of him my uncle then grabs michael and starts walking dragging michael along with him I slowly walk behind them and soon enough we are in front of my uncles office door. "Y/N can you open the door please"

I nod and then I open the door and my uncle walks in with Michael and my uncle sits michael down into a chair and walks to his desk and pulls out a notebook and starts writing some stuff and then I sit down and start thinking about things.


I'm so angry that education thing was the worst thing I have ever had to experience and now I can't see Y/N every time she comes here.

I have to do it tomorrow I'm gonna get rid of that teacher once and for all. Currently I'm in dr loomis office he's asking me questions about that education thing which I'm obviously not gonna answer.

I'm not a mute or anything I just don't feel like speaking.

"Michael your lucky I haven't gave up on you like all the other nurses and doctors in here have" I continue looking at my feet "Michael I may not truly know what your thinking in your head but I know at some point you will want to escape and let me make this clear. You are never gonna escape this sanitarium Michael. I have requested multiple times for you to be transferred to a higher facility but they won't listen no one does but in all the power I have you won't ever be leaving"

Oh trust me dr loomis I've been planning to escape ever since I first came into this hell hole. I can feel eyes on me and I think Y/N is looking at me I'm wondering what is she thinking? "Now it's time for me and Y/N to get going. Guards!" Dr loomis shouts and with a instant guards rush in and grab me and pull me out of the chair and they then take me out of the room while also start talking shit about me but I don't care I'm used to it none of them have ever been nice to me or hardly any other patients.


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