30: Come out

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your touch gives me strength 

The cool breeze hit the elder, giving a bliss of happiness and he allowed himself to relax. Jungkook on the other side stared at the other with nothing but adorableness in his eyes. The way Taehyung's hair danced in the airway- a scene to look at. Taehyung felt the soft gaze and turned to look at the younger. Taehyung's breath hitched when he saw Jungkook looking at him with shining eyes, plump lips parted, face relaxed, hair waving around, oh he looked so beautiful.

Taehyung leaned at interweaved Jungkook's hand with his, the fingers felt soft and small around Taehyung's long one. Not even once Jungkook hesitated to tighten the grip on the other's hand. He held it tightly, not breaking the eye contact they were having.

"you are beautiful," Taehyung said as he tucked a strand of his hair behind his ears, with the free hand and slide it to rest on Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook leaned to the touch while staring into each other's eyes they even forgot to blink.

"what's next?" Jungkook whispered.

"I don't know... I just want to know you better if you will allow me." Taehyung said. "that looks like a great idea." Jungkook giggled while saying.

A few minutes passed. "don't you think we should face the truth?"

"The truth?" Taehyung questioned. Jungkook smiled and sighed. "tell your dad what you want to do, before it's too late. I also don't want to run away anymore, I want to face my dad too."

Taehyung eyes sparkled at the idea. Seeing Jungkook talk so brave made him feel proud. "great! Let's do it. But I don't really have any strength for it." Taehyung's smile flattered down.

Jungkook patted his shoulder. "you have to face it anyway..." and Taehyung nodded. "let's get back to Seoul and talk to your parents. Then you can company back me here" he winked and giggled.

"yeah let me be selfish and have you for a couple of days more, I long drive back doesn't sound so bad" Taehyung held Jungkook by the waist while both stared.

"and what about-" before Jungkook could complete. A voice stopped them.

"MR. JEON!?"

It startled both of them and they turned to see a new face string at Jungkook with a horrified expression.

"Mr. Jeon!!" he again said in a high pitch. Neither Jungkook knew this guy but he was confirmed that it's not too good for him to be here and recognize Jungkook. It was not good news, it was too early for Jungkook. Run, his mind said and he grabbed Taehyung's hand and started to make a run. But before he could pass the guy who was shouting, many more men in office wear ran up to him. They were shocked to see Jungkook. Of course, Jungkook was famous. And these guys were not just mere employees of the Jeon corporation. They were close to the chairmen and they knew about the truth.

Taehyung and Jungkook were trapped by the men and one of them already called his dad.

"Boss! Mr. Jungkook is here. we found him."

Jungkook's heart dropped in his stomach. Everything was happening so fast. It almost didn't make any sense. One of them came forward and Jungkook recognized him a bit. "good to see you, Mr. Jeon. For the sake of our promotions, please follow us to the car. We are taking you back to your father. You must have missed him."

Jungkook chewed on his teeth and sighed. There was no way out. He held Taehyung hands tightly and looked up to see the other looking down at him in worry.

They were dragged to the car before they knew. No one questioned Taehyung they just let them be together. "this was not supposed to happen like this. it was your parents who we were meeting first." Jungkook said and gulped down the lump in his throat. Taehyung had never been more guilty, he blamed himself for bringing Jungkook here. only if he was not that stubborn.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered. Jungkook let out a sob and shook his head. Seeing Taehyung's guilt-filled expression was more hurting. He took the elder in an embrace and whispered. "let it be my parents to meet us first. Don't be too shocked if I claim you as my boyfriend in front of them." Jungkook giggled making Taehyung smile and kiss his cheeks.

The car stopped. And they were again dragged to the living room of the mansion. Both entered with their hands in each other. Jungkook was actually shivering. His heartbeat was ringing in his ears.

They entered the living room. 3 elders were sitting on the lavish sofas. Two men and a lady, Taehyung recognized the chairman, the oldest looking man there, the rest two he guessed as Jungkook's parents. Lady was smiling sadly, the dad was looking suspiciously and the elder excitedly was staring at him.

"Jungkook! My boy" the chairman said and walked to him. Jungkook bowed to him before the elder took him in a loving hug. "where were you!?" he said giggling and patted his back before pulling out.

"i- I was just.....around?" Jungkook answered with uncertainly on with the elder let out a chuckle. The man went back to his seat and all the sounds died down when the father spoke. "was this boy beside you involved. Did you run away with him, or because of him?" he was already on conclusions.

"NO!! i-I mean n-no. I ran away by myself, he is nowhere involved. Why would I do that" Jungkook took Taehyungs hand in a tight grip and pulled him behind himself in a protective manner.

"who knows, maybe he is your boyfriend and all? Maybe you thought we will not approve of you or something." 

"you.... you knew I was-... I was- ...gay?" it was hard for jungkook to say, he didn't want t come out like that.

"Hmm," the parent hummed. "I'm not going to discuss much what happened. Let's just move forward to important work."

Jungkook gulped, there is no point in running, let's face whatever comes, he thought and nodded. Holding Taehyung hands was giving him some comfort and confidence. "okay-"

"great, then you will become the CEO tomorrow. Everyone in the office misses you" the grandfather chimed. "I'll be able to rest." He said and looked at a new board game in his collection. His grandfather always glowed but the office work always kept him busy.

"and if this boy is nothing but a friend, he can have his leave. We have to talk about company work, would be too private for a friend to listen."

The guards came and their hands were harshly disconnected. Not even Jungkook knew what to do at the moment. He didn't want Taehyung to leave as well as he couldn't let him stay in the room as there were talks to be done in private.

"wait for me outside okay, I'll come. I'll take the road that leads to you" with this Taehyung moved out of his sight.

And his father talked to him for hours. Without Taehyung know what he will face next. 

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