7|Lotus Pier|

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Xie Lian and Hua Cheng were standing in front of the main gates of Lotus Pier. Xie Lian could not think of any words that he should be saying to Sect Leader Jiang, he could only think of how sad Wei Ying looked when they said their goodbyes.

The child was so silent and obedient while they were re-bandaging his wounds. The only words Wei Ying uttered after finishing his running spree with Yin Yu's hair tie were, "Bye" and  "Come back soon."

Hua Cheng did not want to stand here wasting time, he want to finish his business with this Jiang Fengmian and go back to Wei Ying because he had a promise to keep. He had promised Wei Ying that they would have lunch together so that's what he was going to do.

"Gege let's just talk to Jiang Fengmian. We will not tell anything about the child for now. "

"Okay. We will just see what type of person he is before we tell him anything about A-Ying. That's sounds good. Right"

Hua Cheng nodded. Xie Lian looked at the gates of Lotus Pier then at his husband and said.

"We should finish this quickly. "

Hua Cheng nodded once again smiling back at Xie Lian. He held Xie Lian's hands, nodded his head continuously in understanding. Xie Lian chuckled seeing that.

"Yes yes. A-Ying will be waiting for us."

Xie Lian said beaming at his husband. He also wanted to finish this meeting fast and go back to Wei Ying. 'We promised to have lunch with him. We need to go back fast. '

Together they stepped into Lotus Pier and two guards greeted them. Xie Lian gave a small bow and greeted them with a polite smile while Hua Cheng stood there with his hands crossed in the back.

"We would like to speak with Sect Leader Jiang. It is a very urgent matter. "

The guards nodded and one of them gestured them to follow.

"Masters, right this way. Follow me."

Xie Lian and Hua Cheng followed behind the guard who walked for sometime and stopped in front of a large wooden door with lotus emblem carved on it. The guard was going to knock on the door when an angry voice sounded from the other side.

"What do you mean by you want to adopt him? Huh?"

"Sān Niángzî let me ... "

"Jiang Cheng come here. Sact leader Jiang, look carefully. This is your real son.
Even if you can't stand him because I gave birth to him but his last name is still Jiang.
I don't believe that you don't know what others are saying."

"Sān Niángzî. Wei Changze was my right hand man and Changse was my best friend. I must take care of their son."

"Best friend?
They are saying that the Sect Leader Jiang, after all these years is still hung up over some Changse Saren.
And now you want to take someone else's son as your on. They even say that Wei Ying might even be your... "

"Yu ZiYuan!!!"

"Jiang Fengmian.
You act like I don't know you."

"You... "

"Why do you care for that son of a servant so much. Huh. You have your son here. He's the future master of Lotus Pier.
Sect Leader Jiang. Do you still remember that I'm the master of Lotus Pier as well?
Do you remember that every piece of land belongs to me?"

"Sān Niángzî what are you trying to say?"

"I am saying that I will not allow some bastard to enter this family."

Loud footsteps were heard as Yu ZiYuan stomped away from the Shinjian Hall. The guard hesitated for some time looking awkwardly at the two guests. He finally knocked on the door and announced.

"Sect leader Jiang. Two masters want to talk with you. "

"Please tell them to wait, I'll come meet them soon. "

Jiang Fengmian replied politely from behind the doors although his voice is hoarse from all the yelling. The guard thanked the Sect Leader and turned around to inform the Young masters.


But to his surprise no one was there. He clearly remembers both of them standing behind him just a few second ago. He looked for them around Lotus Pier but he could not find them. He came back to the Sect Leader Jiang and said.

"Sect Leader Jiang. The masters have left not wanting to disturb you now. "

"Okay. You may leave."

The guard quickly walked back to his post still confused as to how the masters disappeared into thin air. The guards standing at the gates of Lotus Pier informed him that they never saw them leaving.

Xie Lian and Hua Cheng was now back at Yiling. They were standing in front of their room, from there they could hear Wei Ying's soft laughter. Both of them had clearly heard the conversation between Jiang Fengmian and Yu ZiYuan. Thier minds were in a mess and they had silently agreed to leave Lotus Pier not wanting to meet the Sect Leader. Just like they promised, they had reached the inn before lunch.

Hua Cheng opened the door after standing there for few minutes in silence. Just as the doors opened and they stepped in, Wei Ying came running to them. His was holding Yin Yu's ghost mask on his right hand and Yin Yu's hair tie was tied as a beautiful bow around Wei Ying's left hand.

"Is Smiling Gege sad?"

Wei Ying asked after looking at Xie Lian's face. Xie Lian shook his head and smiled at Wei Ying. Wei Ying did not look convinced as he gestured his Handsome Gege to come down to his height. Hua Cheng raised his eyebrow at the child but obeyed. Wei Ying leaned close to his Handsome Gege and whispered in his ears.

"Is smiling gege sad because of A-Ying? "


Hua Cheng whispered back into Wei Ying's ear. Wei Ying frowned and looked at his Smiling Gege who only had a very small smile. After thinking for sometime Wei Ying whispered again.

"What is Smiling Gege's name?"

Hua Cheng was slightly taken aback by the child's sudden question but he answered anyway. He gave a small smile and whispered back.

"Xie Lian"

"Lian Gege is the most beautiful person in the world."

Wei Ying screamed at top of his lungs and hugged Xie Lian's legs tightly. Xie Lian, who was sad from the things he had heard in Lotus Pier was now laughing. He looked at his husband and saw a expression of  'how dare you betray me child' written all over his face. He could not help but laugh even more at the scene.

Xie Lian bend down and picked up Wei Ying in his hands and boop his nose. Hua Cheng also stood up watching both of them. Wei Ying called his Handsome Gege closer to him. He whispered in his ear but Xie Lian also heard it.

"Don't worry. Handsome Gege is also beautiful. But A-Ying can't say it now."

Hua Cheng nodded very seriously and hugged both of them tightly. When the group hug was over, Xie Lian walked to the bed and sat there listening to Wei Ying talk. Hua Cheng watched the two for a second then turned to Yin Yu.

"Did he give you any trouble?"

"He will be a great son."

Yin Yu replied picking up his ghost mask from the ground. He bowed to Hua Cheng and left the room. Hua Cheng stood there a few seconds looking at the closed door. When he turned back, he could see his Gege's beautiful smile and the child, 'Wei Ying' sitting beside him and giggling.

Hua Cheng sat beside his husband, he slowly picked Wei Ying and placed him on his lap. He looked Wei Ying in the eyes, the smiling sparkling grey eyes, he noticed, were lookin back at him.

"A-Ying , I want to ask you something."

𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙞 ( This Author Is Going For A Short Break. Wait For 13yrs.) Where stories live. Discover now