Saved but-

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Rocky was sitting on the sofa while four men were holding yoongi and your father down.

You stood in the middle of the room unarmed surrounded by two men.

Rocky: begin...

You felt a blunt pain in your left leg that made you kneel on the floor but you refused to let out any sounds.

You glared at Rocky as you felt another hit on it's way but it never reached.


Police sirens rang through the air making everyone freeze on their spots.


You smirked as the door burst open followed by the magnanimous entry of dozens of cops who had their guns ready in position to stop any kind of movement.

Rocky: stop there! Or we'll kill these people!

He said pointing to your dad and brother and you knew he was serious. He had guns too and he'd never hesitate to use one.

You sugnalled the policemen to back away a little with your eyes while slowly scooting closer to yoongi.

looking around for any kinds of hiding spots in case a gunfight broke out , you found the perfect place for temporary protection.

Rocky was pointing his pistol at the police leader while moving towards the back door.

You quickly took out a pocket knife from under your socks and passed it to yoongi. All the men had their eyes on the cops, so no one noticed.

Yoongi quickly untied himself and passed the knife to your dad who too succeeded after some difficulty.

You nodded to the policemen to start and one of thrm shot Rocky in his left leg, otherwise he would have escaped via the back door.

The fight began and chaos spread.

The cops knew they can't just shoot or kill anyone so they started a fist fight. Surprisingly, Rocky's men didn't have guns either.

You quickly ran to your brother and dad and pushed them behind the safest hiding spot. A blind corner.

Although the cellar was devoid of any infrastructure, it did have a small room cut out separately from the main body at one corner and you hid there. The only perfect spot.

The sound of punching and kicking rang in your ears, reminding you of many past memories which you didn't term as bad ones...

You used to work in gangs and all but it was never at the level of mafias. In fact, you've never tried using a real gun but you never know when these guys outside start a gunfire. Of course they'll have guns. They're from a Mafia group after all.

You knew you couldn't hide at this place forever and the door wasn't really that far away, you signalled your brother and dad to stay behind you.

Looking around the room, everyone seemed busy among themselves so, it was possible to get out of this room without being noticed.

If you escape this room, the car waiting outside is bulletproof and it can take y'all back home while the police deals with the criminals...

You slowly started walking towards the door that was less than ten steps from your hiding corner with your dad and yoongi at your heels but luck wasn't in your favour at the moment...

Everyone else aside, you saw Rocky shooting towards your direction from other corner of the room. The voice of gunshot was scary.

Everyone stopped hearing the shot.

The bullet was aimed at your brother  and you saw it wasn't going to miss it's target.

But being very fast at reflexes, you pulled yoongi out of the bullet's way, barely missing it.

Rocky saw the rage in your eyes and tried shooting again but until than, a policeman shot his hand and his pistol flew away.

Yoongi was stunned. Being nearly in the fangs of death and coming back out wasn't an everyday experience for him.

You pushed him to a cop who came rushing to check on yoongi and walked over to Rocky.

Punching his face as hard as possible, you didn't let him recover from the first impact before landing another one.

By the time you had him on floor, the cops had overpowered almost all his men. many were being handcuffed but some were still fighting.

Yoongi and Dad were still standing there looking at everything.

Tired of punching him, you picked up the gun which still had five intact bullets from the ground and pointed at him.

Yoongi: No!

Dad: y/n!

Cop: No! You can't!

What was more sickening was the fact that he was smirking through that batterred face.

Rocky: I was wrong to think you changed baby girl! You're still that heartless monster-

You: shut up you-

Yoongi at the back was panicking...

Rocky: A monster who tortured people for pleasure! Kill me now! Just like you did to my brother! You should do it!

Yoongi: f*ck! She's loosing control!

He rushed towards you but a cop blocked his way.

Yoongi: let me go or she'll kill him!

He shouted sternly but it never reached your ears.

Your anger was out of control at the moment. It was like you were loosing control again. You don't want to be a monster again but why can't you put the gun down! This is crazy!

Just when you were about to pull the trigger, you felt the familiar arms around your body signalling you to calm down...

Yoongi: please breath in cupcake... Close your eyes...

You followed him like an obedient pet and everyone gasped at how fast your temper changed.

Your hand lowered down hearing his soothing voice.

He took the gun from your hands and threw it on the ground before turning you around and hugging you tightly.

You relaxed completely in his embrace.

He was like a safe place in your life which you've been searching since childhood. His embrace held the love of a family which you always craved for.

His hugs were healing...

Your Dad approached you and hugged you too just when yoongi let go... And you hugged him back...

But everything wasn't over yet!

Just when you opened your eyes in your dad's arms, you saw Rocky lying on the ground with an evil smirk directed towards you.

Your Dad had his back towards him.

That's when you saw the gun that yoongi threw a few moments ago in Rocky's hands.

Before you could react, he pulled the trigger, aiming at your Dad.

The loud bang echoed through the room as everyone stopped their movements...

You had no time to move out pf the way so, you did the first thing that came into your mind.

Swapping spots by turning around while bending down.

You successfully replaced your position with your Dad but he was heavy... Heavier than you predicted... So you couldn't completely move out of the way...

You felt a sharp pain Pierce through your body before loosing your balance.




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