22. Lies

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I wake up tangled in the duvet as my alarm goes off. I sigh and dont feel Joshes body heat against my back. I turn around slightly and hes not there. I turn off the alarm and reluctantly get up. The apartment is completely silent and think that Josh is maybe being quiet for once. I change into a white off shoulder crop top and light blue denim shorts. I put my hair up in a ponytail and a french plait at the top of my head. I put on some natural makeup and grab a denim jacket. I go downstairs to the kitchen and a notice a note on the kitchen counter. I pick it up and read it:

Had to leave early this morning and see a teacher, see you in school xx

I put the note down and make some breakfast. I end up making Weetabix bars with cream and fruit and sit down to eat. I look through my Instagram feed while eating and grab my bag. I shove my phone and apartment keys into my pocket and quickly lock up. I go down to the underground car park and get into my car. I get to school and park. I get out and go to my locker and see people whispering. I look around and thankfully no ones looking at me. I grab my geography textbook and go straight up. I wait outside the class and look through my Snapchat while waiting for class to start.

Class goes without hitch apart from Josh coming in late as he was spakeing to a teacher. Questions fill my head:

Who was he talking too?

Why was he so long?

What if he was lying?

I shake my head and sigh. Why am I so invested?! Its not my business. I put my attention back to the tsunami case study and continue writing. I hear whispers throughout the halls as I walk to my next class and I hear a snatch of one particular conversation:

?: 'Josh Richard's?! Are you sure?!'

?: 'Positive, thats what I heard'

?: 'Wow, I'm so shocked'

?: 'So was I when I heard them this morning'

I'm immediately sent into panic mode as all sorts of possibilities run through my mind.

What was going on?!

Why are they talking about him?!

What are the rumours?!

I try calm myself down before entering Social care and sit down in my seat. I realise I'm shaking and try some breathing methods to calm down.

Why am I so worked up?!

I dont even know what's going on! I'm knocked out of my thoughts when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and see my classmate Mollie standing behind me. She tucks her short, black hair behind her ear and smiles at me.

M: 'Hey, I saw you shaking, are you ok?'

I nod.

Y: 'Y-yeah, sorry I'm just nervous about our, um, maths quiz tomorrow, I dont think I've revised enough'

M: 'Wow, if your worried your not gonna pass then what hope do any of us have?! Your the best in this class, you'll do fine'

Y: 'Thanks Mollie'

She gives me a smile and leaves. I sigh and try my best to focus in class but my thoughts always end up leading back to Josh. As soon as its lunch I go for a walk to clear my head. As I get back into the school, I realise I'm starving. I sigh ad I have no time for food and go into business. I havent spoken to Josh all day even though hes in all my classes and it's kind of weird. I sit down and get out my workbook. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn and smile at Daisy. She gives me a sympathetic smile.

D: 'How are you handling it? You seem completely fine'

Y: 'Handling what?'

Daisy looks as if shes about to pass out from shock.

D: 'Y-you havent heard?'

I look confused and shake my head.

D: 'Oh my God, one sec, let me get my stuff'

She goes back to her seat next to Liam and mutters something. She comes back to me and sits next to me. We pretend to do our work while the teacher passes our desk.

D: 'Right so, how much do you know?'

Y: 'Um who is it about?'

D: 'Josh'

My heart immediately sinks.

Y: 'Um, well, I heard 2 girls in the corridor talking about something to do with Josh. They said the rumours were true, what rumours Daisy?'

D: 'Ugh I hate to be the one to tell you Blair, did Josh leave early this morning?'

I nod.

Y: 'Yeah he left a note saying he was going to see a teacher'

D: 'I swear I'm going to get Liam to knock some sense into him, he cant treat girls like this'

Y: 'What's he even done?!'

D: 'H-hes got a girlfriend, and its...'

Yes yall are gonna hate me for this absolutely annoying cliffhanger, I'll update tomorrow or monday. Also thanks so much for over a THOUSAND reads!!!! Wow! Sorry I haven't been updating alot this week, its cause I've gone back into school and I'm not doing it online anymore. Stay safe xx

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