(#81) Kyle

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"So that's it for this month," Belle said after organizing the documents according to their daily necessities.

"Alright," I said, reading a book on Budgeting.

"So... My Lady..." Belle.

"Yes?" I asked.

"What did Sir Lian- No, I mean Crown Prince Lion talked to you about?" Belle asked.

"Belle, are you interested in gossip now?" I asked.

"Come on, Ana. The whole Palace, no Aesther Mansion too, no, the WHOLE AVALON is interested in what the King of Gelna told to you in the brief moment." Belle said and I took my thoughts backward.

After Caylin stated that the Hall room became quiet.

I took a quick glance at Count Barrel and the complexion seemed to be telling that he regretted collaborating with Velena.

That's good. Even though I am losing on this game, I not losing entirely.

After all, you dug the whole for yourself, Velena. Realize the depth of it, before trying to climb back up.

We then returned to our respective seats and the rest of the ceremony was just for wrapping it up.

And obviously, Velena couldn't raise her head the whole time.

Now just wait till the news gets spread around and the whole country knows it. You shall only reap what you sow.

As we were about to leave, a maid came close to me.

From her unfamiliar clothes themselves, I knew who send her.

"Lady Aesther, the King of Gelna wishes to speak with you." She said.

"Father,-" I began as Father raised his hands.

"I understand," Father said.

"You don't need to wait. I shall come back later." I said and Father nodded.

I then followed the maid.

After a while, she asked me to go forward and left.

After I took a few steps, I took in the surrounding.

The Holy Lake. A place that holds too many memories.

My first disaster, my returning place, and most importantly, one of the best times I had with Lindon.

"ANASTASIA!!!" A loud voice took me out from the trance.

I turned. It was Kyle.

I bowed.

"Greeting to His Highness Kyle, the Great King of Gelna Empire," I said.

Kyle then helped me stand straight.

"Anastasia, we need to drop down the titles if we need to speak properly, now," Kyle said.

"But Your-" I was interrupted by Kyle.

"You can't just obey someone, can you?" He asked, with a smile.

"Alright," I said.

I smiled, too.

"Can't you at least give me a chance now, Ana? Please?" He asked, almost begging.

"Kyle, you are the King of a nation-" He cut me off again.

"And will you be my Queen?" He asked.

"Back then, I hadn't developed any feelings for Lindon, yet. Therefore, I didn't reject you, because of Lindon too. And right now, I have bigger burdens upon my shoulder." I said.

"How? In what manner?" He asked.

"In the coming week, I shall succeed as the next Heiress of the Aesther Household," I said.

"Wh-what n-no, w-wait, what are you even talking about? Heiress? You are a woman!!!" Kyle said.

"And that is why I have this week for. By the end of this week, I shall be the next Heiress. And there is no doubt in that." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Look, Kyle. I need to make one thing clear. I didn't reject you because you were just a Minister's son, and I didn't accept Lindon because he was the King's son.

It was all... my heart.

If there no love, there is no life. If I can't find my Mr. Right, then I might spend my whole life alone.

And even if I were to marry you, we wouldn't be happy? Let me ask you, Kyle, would you want a wife, who constantly thinks about another man, even when she accompanies you on the bed?" I asked.

And I could see Lian's throat tighten.

"See. And the end? A war. An unhappy life and then a war. All can be avoided if I tell a simple NO." I said.

Kyle didn't speak anything after that, and I took that as my cue to leave.

I then woke up from my thoughts.

"Nothing much, dear," I told Belle.

"Ah! I would have almost forgotten to tell you. Apparently, Prince Louis and Maylene escaped from the prison." Belle said.

"Oh," I said.

"Oh? A simple oh? They tried to harm your life, My Lady. And all you tell is a simple Oh?" Belle asked.

What all they have taken from me, I have taken from them too.

That is, except their life.

And since their escape was planned by the one above, I should leave the rest to him too.

"Dear, sometimes, what you just need, is a leap of faith." 


Note For Readers.

I am really sorry for not updating yesterday. And I will be posting an announcement on my feed on a small hiatus.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow

So, till next time,

Je Vous Aimez💕💕

Last updated on 26/02/2021

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