thirteen [nsfw]

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CW: Intoxication and sexual acts while intoxicated. Although Reader 'consents', consent can never truly be given under the influence. Please read at your own discretion.


The car door slams. Levi watches you storm across the parking lot.

He watches you go, still partly stunned, your taste still spread across his lips. He watches you leave until you're out of sight, and even then, he stares at the last spot he saw you for at least another minute before he pulls himself together.

What the hell just happened?

Levi had never seen you mad before, but he had figured out quickly that he doesn't like it- especially when the anger was directed at him. You're fierce, quick to defend yourself, and so stupidly stubborn that he wanted to smack his head off of the dashboard.

Why the fuck had he thought sex would help? Sure, you were turning him on, and he'd never turn down an opportunity to fuck you- but did he seriously think for even a second that it would help?

He's stupid. So fucking stupid.

"Fuck this," Levi says with a scowl, opening the car door and hopping out onto the pavement. He pulls himself into the front seat, shoving his jacket into your empty passenger seat. He thinks about redoing his tie but decides against it.

He can still taste you on his tongue.

Levi's never been a big fan of eating people out. Typically, it's too messy, the taste is awful, and most of the other women he's done it to have been whiny and annoying to listen to. But it was clear they liked it, and if you were willing to give him head, then it was only fair that he do the same for you.

But holy shit, that was fun. 

Your moans, your hands in his hair, the way you quaked under his grip, your fucking taste- you were intoxicating. Levi doesn't think he's ever enjoyed breaking someone apart like that.

He'd wanted to cheer you up. Relieve some of the tension. Subside your anger.

And somehow... he'd done the opposite?

Levi groans and his forehead falls against the steering wheel. The horn goes off, and he jerks away, cursing under his breath.

Just how deep into this is he, anyways?


Keeping up the 'I'm mad at you' act with Levi is difficult.

Especially since you're not actually mad at him anymore and you're horny as hell.

After you'd stormed out of the parking lot, you'd done exactly what you said you were going to do: you caught a bus and took it straight home. Levi was set to take you back to your apartment anyways- your day was over, so you weren't required back at the office.

The next day at work, nothing had changed in your typical routine, but Levi was slightly more wary of you. And now, days later, he still doesn't really act much different, but you see his eyes dissecting your every movement, trying to see inside your head.

You're not even angry anymore. You just don't want to be the first one to broach the topic.

It's just... awkward. You feel like a kid in high school all over again- this sort of drama is ridiculous. 

One day goes by, and then another, and you're worried that you're going to be the one to crack when Levi finally addresses the situation from the car.

It doesn't happen until Friday, when Levi has you in his office to discuss the spreadsheets you made that week, and right before you leave, Levi clears his throat awkwardly. "One more thing," he says, and you already know what this is about.

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