Chapter Eight

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I'm sure you've heard of my saving a sheep from the cliff's edge, haven't you?

well if not, It pretty much means I have almost convinced Enola to find the boys with me

The truth is, I did not ask for Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether in my life.

 I did not want the Viscount Tewkesbury Marquess of Basilwether in my life. 

yet, why do I feel responsible for the Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether?

well because...there are those that want to hurt him...and he has not the strength to stop them...

and I do have that strength. 

with Briggs... I'm not aware if he's safe. but I just miss him, to be honest.

"But he's on the edge of a cliff. Mother will have to wait." I told Enola. she nodded

"let's go find your loverboys" I smiled



At The Tewksbury Residence

"What's your business here?" a man, I assume is Tewkesbury's uncle asked

"I'm a private detective." I said "and I've come to offer my services."

"My sister-in-law has all the help she needs. Show her out." Tewksbury's uncle said

"I believe she can help you." my sister added

"You are a reporter for one of those dirty newspapers." 

"No ma'am, I am a detective." I repeated

"Please leave, before we make you leave." a couple of staff members walked to us, to show us out

"we work for Sherlock Holmes!" my sister said. I slapped my hand over my mouth

we're screwed. 

was she not aware that he works alone.

"he usually works alone but this week has been stacked up to the roof with cases so he hired me. I'm his assistant. and she is my assistant" I pointed to Enola

"Sherlock Holmes is interested in our case?" Lady Tewkesbury asked

"yes, Sherlock trusts her to-"

"Poppycock! I'm sorry, but I've heard enough. You do not know Sherlock Holmes." a man walked in

"Lestrade?" I asked

"how do you know me?" he asked

"you're Sherlock's friend!" he nodded  

"I am Lestrade of Scotland Yard, and I AM a close personal friend of Sherlock Holmes." he pointed to me "And you are not his assistant. He doesn't have an assistant. Sherlock Holmes always works alone."

"He's changed his ways since you have known him." Enola said


"Ask me any questions about him, and I'll ask you, and we'll discover who knows him best. Shall we?" I said, standing up to him

"Enough! This circus is not appropriate for Basilwether." the uncle yelled

"he's right. Leave, both of you."

"Thank you for having me." I said. Lady Tewksbury nodded


"His favorite tobacco?" he asked

"Black shag. Favorite dessert?" I replied

"Plum pie. His favorite composer?"

"Paganini. Favorite meal of the day?"

"Breakfast. Are all your questions about food?" I almost growled at this man

"His favorite case?"

"The one before. Favorite board game?"

"Chess. But only with a worthy opponent." I said. he walked to a carriage. 

I turned to look around the house

"wow..." I said. I turned to Enola "let's look around." I looked to a servant. I ran towards him

"The young master, he was outside a lot. Am I right?" I asked him

"Could never get him inside." he said chuckling

"Where would he go?"

"The woods." I kissed his cheek

"thank you!"

Josephine Amelia HolmesWhere stories live. Discover now