That Was a Mistake and You Want to Doit Again?

15 4 4

December 30. 2025
Rochester, New York

As Kyle sits on his couch with his legs crossed and his hands resting on top of them, Malcolm stares at him trying to find the best way to say what needs to be said, he takes a deep breath

"You and Tatiana, what you guys did, I know is none of my or our business, but it's affected the group's dynamic"

"I know, but you guys are the one's that have taken it to heart" Kyle replied

Malcolm lets out a sarcastic laugh and stiffens up "That's all you have to say? You know our friend group is being affected by your poor choices and we're the ones taking it personally?"

Kyle stands from the couch and moves to the kitchen "Tatiana and I are two consenting adults, we made a judgment call in the heat of the moment and that was it; I can understand why you all might have felt about it, and they are very valid, but, she and I were capable of not letting it affect us, and our friendship, yet, somehow you all are acting as if we murdered someone and didn't share that little detail with you"

"That is not what this is about Kyle"

"Than what is it, Mal? Please do tell me, because I have no idea as to why anyone would have a problem with it"

Malcolm stops himself and heads for the door "You know what, it doesn't matter. It's not my story to tell, nor any of my business, so, I'm going to leave you to it"

Kyle when to speak when his friend closed the door on his way out

Two weeks later

January 15, 2026
Rochester, New York

Kyle gathers his clothes and heads down the stairs early in the morning for the hospital, and as he drives, a special news broadcast interrupts the music

"Good morning Rochester, and good morning to all of our listeners, we come with this special segment to inform you that a snowstorm is heading our way and it is to be expecting a minimum of four feet' worth of snow. We advise you all, get everything ready and most importantly, stay safe"

The music starts to play again and seven minutes later, he arrives at the hospital and walks through the doors to find the rest of the ego nurses waiting there for him "Did you guys hear? There's a storm coming"

Camille turns to him and replies with a rather dry tone "And that's news because?" He looks at her and then to the other two "Well, aren't you people the ones freaking out every time they announce another storm heading this way"

"You must be rubbing your careless attitude on us" Samantha turns around as she said that and he reads well between the lines "Alright then, I guess I'll be heading up to the peds floor now"

At lunch hour Kyle joins the rest of his friends "So, are you guys ready for hell week?"

Camille looks up to him "Ok, you need to chill with that vocab of yours, a storm is coming and here you are making sarcastic jokes about it."

He opened his bottle of water and sip from it "What? I said nothing wrong, it's about to get cold, although is nothing compared to the temperatures of the one we got in 2021, the lowest temperature is going to be what, 25 degrees, that's going to be like walking on the sandy dirty beaches of Georgia"

Abroad LibertyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon