chapter nineteen

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Sage's POV

I saw all three of them, I was petrified not with fear but more as they ran over my dog and laughed about it. They don't usually come this late, they go around midnight, which is why I came. They were my only true friends or so I thought, I let them in, and all they left was a mess behind. Who cares though? Fuck them, I won't let them have any effect on me, I'll do what I do to most people, pretend they don't exist.

Walking in, they didn't notice Marco or me. I walked over to Larry and gave him a smile with a big hug. He has helped me the most, instead of balling up my anger I release some of it here. He and my dad go back, he would always help my dad out of trouble and the same for Emilio, we all were in his debt. 

I don't know how to pay him back but I helped with the gym, when it was going to close down I gave him the money to keep it open. Well both me and Emilio did, I miss my brother he would have helped a lot. "Hey there kiddo, long time no see" he looks up and sees Marco "Who is this?" I laughed and walked over to him, pulling him to meet Larry "This is Marco, I guess he is the new recruit" Marco laughed, holding out his hand, which Larry gladly shook "Nice to meet you, Marco, want to get in the ring and show us what you got?" Marco laughed "Oh no, I am not new to fighting, she just likes to play around" Looking at me pulling me into a hug. Larry looks at us weirdly "Well look at this, Sage finally got a boyfriend" my cheeks heat up, Marco just nods "No we are just friends" Larry looked at me stupidly.

After talking to Larry and explaining everything, he wasn't too happy. He honestly could have killed Oliver if he wanted to. I told him it wasn't necessary, that I handled it. He just nodded. Oliver doesn't know that he and my dad were friends. Jordan walked up to me and gave me a hug, Marco scolding him every step he took. "Hey I heard, their pricks I could have told you that" I just laughed "It's all good, they're nothing to me after all" I was really trying to convince myself everyone saw it. 

He met Marco, he said 'it was a miracle' that I had a boyfriend. Everyone refers to him as it but he isn't. We are not dating, he never asked me out and there was the whole trusting him which I knew I could I mean I told him about my past which basically let a door open for him to come in. We will have to talk about it. All three of them looked at me and Marco after Jordan left. Marco scolded Deacon and Oliver. I still haven't told my brother about what happened.

Marco didn't work out much, just stood there watching me. Mostly watching the other guys, I focused on my core and arms today, after a while I looked at the time, it was almost 6 o clock. They were still here sparing, I wanted to spare. I looked at the cage then at Marco, he knew exactly what I was thinking "No" I put on my puppy dog eyes "Please" I gave him a cheeky smile "No, I don't want to hurt you plus you still have bruised ribs." That's right I forgot, the pain went away after a while. "Oh come on scared on a challenge" he laughed "No, you will get hurt" We stood there arguing until someone spoke up from behind me it was Deacon 

"I'll spare with you" I looked at Marco who had a really evil smirk on his face "How about you spare me, she is hurt because of that prick" he looked at Oliver who had guilt in his eyes. "Okay bring it" I was in a daze, before I knew it Marco was in the ring with Deacon. I walked over, in the ring "Enough, Marco let's go" Deacon gave me a smirk "Yes walk away Sage like you always do" I turned around but next thing you know Marco I throwing a punch. Jordan got me out of the way in time.

It was hectic after Jordan pulled me out, they were animals. Marco was holding back by a lot, you could tell. Deacon went in for another punch Marco was quick to dodge it, hitting Deacon in the face, kneeing him in the stomach. 

Marco came at Deacon again, hitting him multiple times in the stomach. Loreilli looked terrified, Marco stepped back and told Deacon to come at him. Deacon had a bleeding nose, lip,. bruised eye, and ribs, marks on his arms from when Marco would block. Whereas Marco barely had a scratch. Deacon lunged forward one more time, and Marco knocked him out. That was that. 

I was just standing there along with everyone else, admiring him. As soon as he stepped out of the ring, he made his way towards me "Amore don't be mad, he had it coming" I just smiled "Let go get that ice cream" He is right Deacon deserved it. Oliver and Loreilli ran over to him, Larry didn't care either. Larry shook Marcos's hand saying goodbye to both of us, Larry whispered something in his ear and Marco just nodded.

We got in the car, headed to the ice cream place. It was a 10-minute drive, I took it slow. "Where did you learn how to fight like that" he just smiled looking at his hands "I was taught since I was a boy like most of my family" I realized his hands were bleeding "Shit, why didn't you tell me that your hand was bleeding idiot." he laughed "It doesn't hurt, I'll be fine" I shook my head pulling into a CVS. Putting the car in park. "Stay here I'll be back," he nodded. I went inside and grabbed supplies, bandages, pills, drinkable alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, neosporin, vanilla, strawberry, cookies and cream ice cream, and more bandages. Paid for it and walked out, he was just sitting in the car with his head against the seat. I knocked on the window of my new car and got in place all the bags in the back. Heading home.



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