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After dropping you in front of your college, the next morning, Levi went back to his house. He felt like something was wrong, you weren't telling the truth and if there was something he hated the most, were liars.

He called his assistant and told him that he was going to be late, not that he needed to explain himself anyway.

Once he arrived, he quickly stormed to your shared room and started to go through your stuff, was it wrong? Yes. Did he care? Not a bit.
He found a lot of make up stuff he didn't even know what they were used for, then he found some jewelry, he could recognize some of them because he had bought them personally, and the others were mainly things you already owned.

He starting to think that he wasn't going to find anything else when something caught his eyes. It was a small notebook with your initial on it, thinking about it, he had seen you writing on it a few times but he had just figured that it was something for school. Looking at it, he realized that it was your diary.

If something was happening, you were obviously going to write it down, right? He hoped so. He was worried you might have gotten yourself into some bad situation, such as alcohol or drugs, they were the only things he could think of that needed a lot of money every day.

He took the journal and sat on his bed starting to read the first few pages, but they were all about you complaining because of your father, college tests, some arguments you had had with Eren and Armin, even complaining about your friend Sasha who ate all your food.

But nothing about alcohol and drugs.

Until he reached the first page where there was written something about him, he frowned debating if he could read it or not. Sighing, he decided that he couldn't back down at that moment, it was way too late to give you some privacy anyway.

Dear Diary,
When I accepted to go get wasted at the pub, I didn't plan on hooking up with one of the finest men I have ever seen. I mean sure, but he was grumpy as hell, how can a person be so serious all the time? I don't know, but he was nice, he offered me a few drinks and then we had sex in his car.
Am I hoping to see him again? Yes, but I'm positive I'll never meet him again.

He stopped since the continue was about Mikasa helping you because you were drunk. As he went on, he noticed that you wrote a lot about him, you didn't write every day, but almost once a week, and your thoughts were all well organized.
He kept browsing the pages of the diary until he found a page at the end of it, it was called "Money organization".

He frowned and started to read all your calculations. You had divided the page into three parts: Money given, money spent, money for the student loan.

Strange, you had never mentioned a student loan, but thinking about it, it was only logical that you had a debt with your college since your parents used to only pay your dormitory. He sighed looking at all the numbers, you kept track of every single time he had given you some cash and you always made sure to save up some of it.

But why didn't you tell him? Levi wasn't new to school loans, he had one himself when he had been studying, it took him years to pay it off and he didn't want the same to happen to you.

He snorted angrily, you were just an idiot, he was offering you a good life with no financial problems and you were so stubborn that you preferred to do things your way, clearly, you didn't know who you were dealing with.

Levi only wanted the best for you, couldn't you understand that? He took his phone from his pants' pocket and hesitated on sending you a message, last time you two had texted it was because you had asked him to buy you some candies. He rolled his eyes at how cute you were even through those stupid messages and decided to call his assistant.

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