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After a while, we decide to head back to the main. While Maggie rests on one of the kitchen chairs, my mom, Mrs. Cole, and I busy ourselves by putting the leftovers in the fridge and washing up the plates and silverware while the guys are off to look at my dad's newest car in the garage.

As I attempt to juggle various condiments in my arms as I carry them back to the cabinet, I accidentally squeeze them too close to my body, and the ketchup bottle squirts all down my pink floral blouse.


I drop the condiments on the closest counter and rush over to the sink and pick up the cloth, trying desperately to remove the stain.

But I soon realize that my attempts at removing the sauce is only spreading it further on my blouse.

"Go put it in the wash, honey. If you throw in some ProClean, it should get rid of the mark," my mom advises as she watches me fail at my attempt to remove the ketchup.


I hurry along the hallway and take the stairs two at a time, heading straight to the laundry room.

My hand fumbles blindly on the wall for the light switch, and when I feel it beneath my fingers, I flick it on and shut the door behind me for some privacy. Acting quickly, I whip my blouse off and shove it in the washer.

From memory, I open the cabinet on the far left and grab the ProClean and fabric softener from the top shelf and add a cap full of each to the laundry. After I start the cycle, I poke my head out of the door to check that the coast is clear, as I'm left only in my white lace bra.

When I'm certain nobody is around, I dash right across the landing and find my bedroom door is already open and spot my luggage on top of my bed, most likely thanks to my dad. I swing the door behind me without checking if it's closed and head over to my closet to hunt for a new top.

As I run my hand down a navy long-sleeved top on the rail, I hear a low whistle sound from behind me. I start in surprise and spin on the spot, seeing Tanner leaning against my door frame casually with his arms crossed.

"So this is your room," he says as he curls his lips up.

Still in shock, I hold my hand against my chest, feeling my heart beat fast beneath. "What are you doing up here? If my parents see you, they'll freak!"

"Relax. Our families are too busy having a good time to notice our absence. May I come in?" he asks with a hint of humor in his voice.

I roll my eyes and abandon my closet for now. "I guess so."

Tanner takes no time to enter my bedroom and shut the door behind him. "It feels like forever since I've touched you," he murmurs as his eyes rake over my body.

"You had your hand on my ass earlier," I breathe out, feeling suddenly aroused from having Tanner's gaze on my form.

He shakes his head slowly from side to side as he takes a step closer to me. "I mean properly." He takes another step. "My hands caressing your breasts."

Another step. "Tracing kisses down your stomach." Another step. "And feeling you shudder against me as you orgasm." He takes one final step and stops in front of me.

"Oh. That way," I laugh weakly as my legs feel like they've turned to jelly.

He smirks at my flustered reaction. "And what about you, Le-Le? Have you missed my touches?" he asks huskily, leaning his head down so that his mouth is a mere few inches from my own.

Unable to form any coherent words, I faintly nod my head and bite hard on my lower lip, wanting to have his mouth on mine. I can feel the electric charge simmer between us from the close proximity of our bodies, and I lean forward to taste him.

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